
Silent Sales Machine Radio

Voted the #1 podcast for Amazon sellers in late 2024! Still the ONLY Amazon seller podcast that features 100's of RECENT, REAL stories and strategies for Amazon FBA sellers around the world! Welcome to the most listened to and success filled Amazon/Walmart/eBay seller podcast on the web! This is the official podcast of the course. Inside the free 78,000+ member Facebook group for fans of the show ( has a link) you'll MEET and INTERACT with an amazing community that uses the strategies taught on this show to grow incredible businesses. This show features "real people" from all walks of life who pull back the curtain on the struggles, victories and strategies that come with WORKING HARD to build a beautiful business online. Nothing worth having comes easy, but prepare to be inspired by those who are charting a course towards building an amazing business online. The hundreds of featured guests on the show are students as well as some of the 7,000+ coaching students from our Ecommerce coaching program that's been operating with a great reputation since 2003. The host, Jim Cockrum ( has had a reputation as one of the most credible sources of eCommerce strategy advice to be found since 1999. Bottom line: Regardless of experience level, you'll learn proven online business strategies on this show and become an Amazon selling NINJA! This show applies timeless, proven strategies to modern eCommerce challenges. This podcast is for anyone who is looking to build or start an online business the RIGHT way with advice from one of the most trusted names in online marketing. With over 6.3 million downloads on iTunes heading into 2025, you've found the right place to launch and grow the online business of your dreams. NOTE: This show and related content are not related to or endorsed by, nor are the success stories you'll hear representative of typical or average results you can expect. Results discussed are provided for demonstration of what is possible, but are not intended to imply that you'll achieve similar results or any results.
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Silent Sales Machine Radio











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Now displaying: Category: internet income
Feb 26, 2024

After having coached thousands of students over 20 years with the and our coaching program, we've noticed many patterns among those who go on to build sustained success and those who struggle or never make it at all.


One of the biggest keys that ensures you'll go far and do quite well is an often disregarded, yet highly relevant factor that is so vital it's worth reminding our students about repeatedly.




There are actually seven key relationships we've identified that our most successful students seem to all have top of mind. Likewise, it seems struggling entrepreneurs seem to consistently have one or more of these key relationships out of alignment or out of focus.


If you want to maximize your e-commerce and Amazon business, ideally you'll have all these relationships in a healthy state: community (associates), mentor(s), an apprentice, a coach, suppliers, team and family.


Let's talk about it on today's podcast episode. Also, you can watch it here on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit!


My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May at Orlando! Tickets are on sale now! - the pre-conference workshop in Olrando FL May 21-22nd 2024 – go see 100 examples of ASINs selling above buy box in Jim’s account –  get paid to tell others about our free podcast, free facebook group and our training!

Feb 24, 2024

Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.


Jim shares how the team has coached over 10,000 students and there are so many success stories pinned at the top of the My Silent Team Facebook page! Jim discusses how we start practically all new sellers with the Replens Model - which basically means we are filling the underserved shelf space at Amazon. Jim likes to use the phrases “test worthy listings” or sell at break even (worst case scenario). Jim has posted MANY examples.


A guest shares how she is building her business but is discouraged with her profits so she asks Jim how she can improve her numbers. Picking losers is a great way to pick winners!” - it’s a learning process! Robin Joy discusses the Kick Start Bootcamp, which is 4 group coaching sessions for sellers who have purchased The Proven Amazon Course (PAC) to help them get up and running The listener asks Jim if the “new selection recommendation list” (a list of ASINs that Amazon provides) is a good idea to use? Jim explains how there are “good ways” and “bad ways” to use these lists as well as leads lists/buy lists.


The guest has questions about shipments going to multiple fulfillment centers (FC), which Coach Robin Joy answers. Jim also answers the guest’s questions about hiring a VA, Jim recommends listening to Podcast #714 for a more thorough discussion!: “Very practical lesson learned after working with numerous overseas virtual assistants who help run my business.”


Jim, head of Coaching Matt Thompson and Coach Jim is so excited about 2024 and shares several new and upcoming things that everyone can look forward to! Matt Thompson and Robin Joy discuss the pros and cons of The 100 ASIN challenge vs coaching in response to a guest’s question.


The guest asks Jim about an issue he is having when he sends his inventory into FBA. He mentions how the “fear points” that sellers have are often new opportunities to learn from! Coach Matt shares the following mantra when working with replens: “Some will, most won’t, next…” 


Jim answers a listener's question, “I’m new, what do I do here?” Watch the following modules in the PAC: 1) Amazon 2) The Replens Course 3) Advanced Keepa training. Jim explains what the Replens model is and that the Kick Start program can be joined at any point once the PAC is purchased!


Show note LINKS:


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Call: 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) or grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!

Feb 22, 2024

For a few years now we've had a strategy we've loved sharing with our and coaching students that interestingly seems to be more easily grasped by our students who have LESS Amazon selling experience.


Experienced sellers seem to struggle with this "above the buy box" concept because it's so simple that it goes over their heads quite often as they attempt to over complicate it!


A bit of background:

Did you know that every day on Amazon millions of shoppers are NOT looking for the lowest price on any given product, but they are looking for the FASTEST DELIVERY! Once you understand that Amazon has nearly 200 warehouses around the U.S. it starts to make sense that there's no way these various warehouses can meet the speed demands of the millions of shoppers without help.


Understanding these factors means there's a simple, massive opportunity right under your nose that you're almost certainly ignoring unless you've heard our "above the buy box" strategy explained. Today's episode breaks it down for you!


At the end of this episode you'll hear from someone who has been in ecommerce 26 years who has an incredible business model that I'm eager to share with you - you can also come meet our guest "Brandon" in Orlando at the upcoming event in May! Stay tuned until the end of the show for our short discussion.


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS:


Brandon's company- Profit recovery on automation! - go see 100 examples of ASINs selling above buy box in Jim's account -  get paid to tell others about our free podcast, free facebook group and our training! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit!


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Call 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) or grab a slot on our calendar at


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!




Feb 21, 2024

Did you know that we've helped 1,000s of students launch and grow beautiful businesses online? Did you know we have numerous FREE as well as paid resources to assist you? Let's talk about it!


Also, today we address the question of just how hard it really is to build a real business. We love to say that we believe we've found the lowest risk, lowest learning curve, lowest investment required business model online with the highest odds of success... that's another topic for today's great episode with Brian and Robbin Joy Olson.


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: Can I trust the advice I get from account health reps at Amazon?


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit! - schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business


My Silent Team Facebook group -

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - get paid to refer others to any of our free and paid resources - attend the upcoming event in Orlando May 23-25th 2024 at NO CHARGE thanks to the generosity of our sponsors! - our upcoming small group workshop happens the two days prior to the event in Orlando. Come get one-on-one instruction on how to scale fast with our time tested REPLENS model!






Feb 19, 2024

If there's one rule of thumb with ecommerce it's this:

Things are always changing.


There's one business model however that we have been bullish about for the past 6+ years and we continue to be increasingly excited about for the future as Amazon needs sellers with this skills set more and more!


The evidence is strong as student success stories continue to roll in! I'm talking about the REPLENS business model as taught in the course.


Perhaps you've heard many of the 100's of success stories from the students of the Proven Amazon Course REPLENS strategy on our podcast, but did you know that we've recently made major investments into updating the "PAC" course? We've been adding dozens of new, specific strategies as well as overhauling the "tech" to help make your experience as an Amazon selling student as powerful and prosperous as possible!


Today I spend time talking to Jimmy Smith who is the leader on our team who systemized the REPLENS model nearly 5 years ago. We talk about what we've learned and how we've made your odds of success with the models we teach even better with the big recent changes we've made.


We also have news for you about the coming live event in May ( as well updates on the other unique services we provide Amazon sellers and the ecommerce community we serve.


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit!


My Silent Team Facebook group -

100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May at Orlando! Tickets are on sale now! - the pre-conference workshop in Olrando FL May 21-22nd 2024.




Feb 17, 2024

In today's weekend episode we have highlights of a prior show. In this segment we discuss both our Amazon Influencer training and our Branded Bundles training. We also include the benefits of attending our annual live event. 


We covered episode #731 - While recovering 18 months from back surgery, she built incredible Amazon income streams. The full episode can be heard at


Jim tells listeners how they can get a free copy of his updated book - Silent Sales Machine by texting the word “free” to 507-800-0090 or visiting


The guest discusses how she started her Amazon business with a Private label branded bundle item. It’s important to note that it’s NOT recommended that new sellers start with PL. Both Jim’s free podcast, as well as The Proven Amazon Course (PAC), are great places for newer sellers to start. 


The guest discusses her background and how she got into e-commerce to begin with and then how Covid, followed by a big back surgery, launched her into being a business building warrior through the many challenges she faced. The guest shares about her mastermind group and how they work together, collaborate, help and encourage each other. Jim discusses the course and the course. 


The guest is utilizing both of these models as streams of income Jim and the guest discuss the Amazon Influencer Program in more detail using Amazon’s platform Jim and the guest discuss the upcoming Proven conference - May 23-25, 2024. More information can be found at:


The guest highlights benefits from attending a past conference - building relationships, learning content and identifying areas she wants to learn more about. Jim discusses “right ideas” vs “good ideas.” The guest also discusses the combination of being a brand owner as well as a an influencer, at which point Jim has a lightbulb moment how these two courses complement each other.


Jim asks the guest to share why she feels The Proven Conference stands above other conferences: 

1) it digs deep on content in a way you can move your business forward (as opposed to superficial teaching)

2) some changes are needed with the timing of the VIP program and

3) some suggestions for an “inspiration track!” The guest really encourages new sellers to join a mastermind and Jim emphasizes turning our focus outward to help others! On the Facebook page, there are directions in one of the top videos on how to find others who live close to you!


Show note LINKS:


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!




Feb 15, 2024

Today's guest is a student and coaching client who has made just about every mistake you can make on his way to building a successful Amazon business!


He's failed at drop shipping, sourcing from Alibaba, paying for "done for you", trying to do an MLM with Amazon etc. all while working a full time job.


So many CLASSIC red flags... but now he's seeing stability and growth and he's loving the process!


If you'd like to hear what NOT TO DO as well as WHAT WORKS on Amazon, this is a great episode for you!


He's also using the "sell above buy box" Amazon strategy that has been coming up a LOT in our community lately!



Show note LINKS: - They help sellers get established on (sell in the US from anywhere in the world) They specialize in everything from Taxes and Bookkeeping, Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. We recommend their affordable systems and solutions giving you everything you need for your wholesale and private label business even overseas!


Inventory Lab - this service researches products, lists and manages your inventory, tracks your expenses, analyzes your profitability


The Replens Dashboard - Replen Dashboard accurately tracks product movement and trends to help you with buying decisions and inventory projections. An awesome piece of software to keep all of your records straight!


Discover the many things AI does in BQool, please visit: . Use Jim's exclusive Bqool Amazon repricer link: to get a 30-day free trial (valued at $100), no credit card required!


Selling Above Buy Box strategy: - this is a link to a Facebook post with over 70 examples of great ASINs selling above buy box for our host Jim Cockrum's Amazon seller account. - They help international sellers get established on (sell in the US from anywhere in the world) They specialize in everything from Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. We recommend their affordable systems and solutions giving you everything you need to for your wholesale and private label business even overseas!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Mark your calendar for this May! Our LIVE event has more content and training than ever before .... ! - the pre-conference workshop in Olrando FL May 21-22nd 2024. - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Bqool training module inside the (direct link) - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! - 10 Advanced Keepa strategies that will make you a product souring ninja!


Today's guest Jonathan Beckloff



Feb 14, 2024

On today's "coaches corner" episode of the podcast we discuss the reality of finding enough winning/test-worthy asinHow many ASINs do you need to make a car payment? A house payment?s to help make a real dent in your monthly budget.


We all started small and built over time - this episode breaks down the reality of the Amazon selling models we've taught to 1,000s of students.


We also dive into topics that are popular with our Amazon seller coaching students such as; which of our training offers are right for you? We offer everything from FREE resources to "work close with a highly successful student one-on-one" and everything in between! What makes sense for you?


Also discussed; the compounding effect of CONSISTENCY and FREQUENCY in your efforts to scale your ecommerce business effectively, as well as the simple process of setting up your Amazon selling account to make sales to businesses which will improve your overall results without any additional effort on your part.


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: How can I ensure my suppliers are legitimate sources for reselling?


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business


My Silent Team Facebook group -

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May at Orlando! Tickets are on sale now! - the pre-conference workshop in Olrando FL May 21-22nd 2024.



Feb 12, 2024

Today's new podcast episode is a great success story who built his business while in college and quickly had a $40k/month business - but that's not where he stopped!


He noticed a need in our seller community and he built a service to help deal with any returned inventory so that sellers would not have to worry about it themselves. It's a great example of how diligence with Amazon always leads to additional opportunity!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: the special deal from Axiom


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit! - schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business


My Silent Team Facebook group -

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Today's guest: Will Abrams

Feb 10, 2024

Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.


From the team highlights:

Jim talks about the My Silent Team Facebook page which now has 74,000 members strong! The purpose of this Facebook group is to teach creative ways to make money online with Amazon as the primary focus because ½ of all online transactions occur on! Replens is the base model our group teaches for new sellers! The Proven Amazon Course is a learning library - “for on time learning!” 100% of JIm’s income has been via e-commerce for the past 20 years! Jim’s podcast, Silent Sales Machine Radio, is completely free to listen to. If interested in pursuing coaching, for more info



Jim discusses his good friend, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, and highly recommends his new book called The Holistic You - which integrates the 5 F’s - faith, family, fitness, finance and friendship:


The conference will be held May 2024 in Orlando, FL! for more information! Jim feels this is one of the best Amazon conferences available because the people teaching the classes are actual Amazon sellers themselves and speak from personal selling experience!


Jim explains that about 95% of new sellers start by looking at Amazon selling through the wrong lens - a mindset shift is needed to look for “testworthy ASINs” as opposed to “profitable products!” Jim uses a bag of marshmallows as an example to illustrate how a new seller can look for test worthy ASINs. Jim also discusses the Kick Start Boot Camp (for PAC members) which includes 4 group coaching sessions with Coach Robin Joy for about $40!


Jim talks through an example of a profitable ASIN involving tea and recommends Podcast #369 to learn more about Keepa!


Jim explains his process for pricing (set price and leave it for 30-45 days) and then lower it to break even to get it moving if needed. Jim recommends listeners check out Podcast #554 - Ignore The Amazon “buy box” if you want to sell more Amazon Replens


Coach Robin Joy recommends the following categories for new sellers which tend to be open and a great place to start - home and kitchen, office supplies, arts and crafts, pet supplies (not food), patio, lawn and garden, industrial and scientific. Jim explains that as new sellers get 30-40 sales under their belt, Amazon will start to trust them and sellers will naturally become ungated in more categories!


The guest discusses difficulties he is having as an international seller with his billing (LLC address) and shipping addresses (prep center) not matching and as a result, having a hard time getting ungated in Lego (and a different home address on file with Amazon). Jim talks through thoughts he has on this topic and recommends both the International Selling Course in the PAC and asking for help in the free FB group


Jim answers some FBA prep and ship questions regarding which items can go in a box together as well as expiration dates


Jim answers some questions regarding a newer course - and also mentions Jim and the guest also discuss systems and how they help automate your business!


Jim discusses the Keepa graph and how far back in time sellers need to go in order to decide if it is a test worthy ASIN. Jim discusses avoiding listings that are on lead lists and have a significant rise in sellers happening. Personally, he looks back 6-9 months in general and a year if it’s a seasonal item to get a good idea of the selling history


Jim was personally invited to the Amazon Accelerate Conference and had the opportunity to ask questions at the director level of Amazon! (with Claire O’Donnell)


Jim discusses how Amazon divides sellers into 2 categories - those who are selling their own brand and those who are selling others’ brands


Jim discusses how about 95% of the time it is best to sell FBA. The premise of the guest’s question is really when to also include FBM. Jim’s opinion is that new sellers should really focus on FBA while learning the Amazon system


Show note LINKS:


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Call: 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) or grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!





Feb 8, 2024

Today's guest is a busy pastors wife with five kids with no prior business or ecommerce experience, but she's carved out some time to build an incredible business on Amazon using the REPLENS model as taught in the course. She started out selling books (which didn't ultimately work out as you'll hear), but she soon learned of REPLENS and went on to get some impressive results! She's doing so great that we are bringing her onto the team as a coach!


Today's episode is sponsored by Sellerboard

Check out sellerboard - THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: 


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:



Show note LINKS: - Our Online Arbitrage training course. It's a course discussed on today's show that's also included free in the library of training modules inside the course


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit! - schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business


My Silent Team Facebook group -

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Need a hand in prepping inventory? We have a list of all known Amazon seller prep centers worldwide. If you know of a prep center that’s not listed, please let us know!


Seven Figure Funding - - another funding option Jim mentions today


AccrueMe - funding partner who fully understands the various Amazon selling models that we teach! Check out their special offers:


Tactical Arbitrage - some advanced strategies people are using to find replens using TA. Once you understand how to find replens and what they look like, TA can be a powerful add-on to your business! Get Tactical Arbitrage with a 10 day trial offer here:


Episode that talks about tips for hiring a VA: Podcast episode #714 at


Today's guest: Tomina Sharpe

Feb 7, 2024

Our Wednesday podcast episodes are typically coaches corner episodes. This means we dive into the common issues faced by the students in our community.


Today we discuss what to do about ASINs that drop in price, and we also discuss options for using prep centers to create a more hands-free selling operation.


If you haven’t registered for our May 2024 event - event, VIP tickets are going fast! We will have over 40 great breakout sessions at this event on all manner of creative ecommerce strategies - including the latest incredible Amazon and Walmart selling strategies pioneered in this community!


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: If I source IDENTICAL product at a discount from another country, can I sell it in the US on Amazon? What should I look out for when doing this? 


Watch this epsiode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS:


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit! - schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business


My Silent Team Facebook group -

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Need a hand in prepping inventory? We have a list of all known Amazon seller prep centers worldwide. If you know of a prep center that’s not listed, please let us know!


Feb 5, 2024

It's always great to catch up with past guests to our podcast and see how they are doing! The last time we interviewed Ted he was a new student who had just seen his first $7K sales month with REPLENS.


On today's episode we catch up with him a year later and he's just had his first $100K month! That's great progress! He's also a new coach on our team with plenty of practical strategies and tips for all of us.


You'll learn how he sources, what strategies he's using and some very practical lessons for all Amazon sellers and ecommerce warriors on today's episode! We also discuss his upcoming role at the event in May - we hope you can join us!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Today's episode is sponsored by Offering Tax and Business Entity set up services as well as Brand Registry and Trademark services


Show note LINKS: 


My Silent Team Facebook group. 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now! The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here!


Virtual Assistant tips and strategies (the VA episode that Ted and Jim talk about): #714 at - Axiom Prep where you can work with a service for your returns - free ebook about using gift cards to increase your margin on inventory


Today's guest : Ted Harton

Feb 3, 2024

Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.


Jim discusses the My Silent Team Facebook page and how the hundreds of inspirational successes are posted so new sellers can see that this works! It is easy for new sellers to become distracted with different business models but this group really emphasizes the Replens model as the place to start! This is not a get rich quick scheme but something that takes time to build and succeed with!


In this segment, Jim talks about what our group is, what we have to offer and why we’re worth listening to!


Jim discusses how he has used the internet creatively for his multiple streams of income, which has supported his family for over 20 years!


The guest asks Jim a question about being able to source a large enough quantity of products in the store to be able to test an ASIN (Retail Arbitrage = RA). Jim also reminds the listeners how important relationships are in this business!


Although the Proven Conference 2023 has already happened, Jim discusses what the conference looks like and how it really is an “abundance minded community” - lots of relationships developed, friendships began and conversations had! 

( for all the information you need for the 2024 conference!)


Jim discusses ungating and how ungated categories include: Sports and outdoor, household goods, kitchen and bath, office supplies, pet supplies (not food) and arts and crafts. New sellers can also go to the magnifying glass on the top of the My Silent Team Facebook page and search for “ungating” or “ungated” to read many posts on this topic! for a course on a newer way to sell books! Jim also gives a powerful example of the Nike brand and an experience on Amazon that all sellers should listen to!


Jim discusses the Replens model and how it can be a very profitable business model! According to Jim, “It’s a beautiful business model!”


Show note LINKS:


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Call: 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) or grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now!


Feb 1, 2024

Today's guest is a and coaching student living in (and from) Bangkok. He's followed the REPLENS training and has built an amazing business as you'll soon hear.


I was blown away at his unique approach and how he's overcome what some would see as merely obstacles (English as his second language, lives outside the US but sells successfully on in the US, local currency weak against US dollar etc.)


Those who pay attention to this episode today however should come away with two conclusions:


  1. I don't have any excuse to NOT be doing this business model, and...

  2. The way our guest "Fino" does the business should unlock incredible new possibilities in your mind.


Episodes like this one really validate that we are in an incredible age of massive opportunities!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


This episode is sponsored by the team!

We have nearly 60 coaches currently. Set up a time to chat with us about coaching if you are ready to speed up your journey towards having a real business that you can be proud to own. Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 or set up a calendar date at


Show note LINKS:


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Sellerboard - THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: 


SellerAmp: our special community discount can be found here (sell your amazon seller account or buy a second account safely)  - $20 off the first year subscription


Today's guest "Fino" from Bangkok

Jan 31, 2024

On today's new podcast episode we discuss "What’s the Worst That Can Happen? What’s the Best That Can Happen? How do we Mitigate Risk as Amazon sellers?"


Other questions include:


How many units should I test when trying new products on Amazon?

What's the ONE factor that determines my success with the Amazon strategies we teach?


Our coaches Brian and Robin have helped hundreds of students succeed with the Amazon models we teach (as part of the collection of strategies), and today we have some insights into the realities of the model.


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: Can sellers get suspended for tying up other seller's inventory? 


Watch today's episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - classes already started! As a reminder, that's the free program in Amazon where they pay you to upload review videos. Visit ProvenAZinfluencer site to join the class (joining a little late is fine), and learn about this incredible program! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit! - schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business


My Silent Team Facebook group -

100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now!

Jan 29, 2024

Today's guest only learned of Amazon REPLENS just a few short months ago. She's a busy mom working full-time and pursuing a business degree but she's managed to just have a very healthy five figure month on Amazon using the strategies as taught in the course.


She reveals what she sells, how she finds the winners and how crazy it was having her first month where she shipped $20,000 worth of profitable items herself after having learned the systems just a few short months earlier!


Sponsored by Our preferred partner for selling your amazon account or buying a new or seasoned account!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - Raquel is coming to Orlando in May - are you coming?! -schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! Or visit!


My Silent Team Facebook group. 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Seller Amp: (Raquel mentions using this to help her source - use this link for a free trial)


Today's guest Raquel Herbias

Jan 27, 2024

In today's episode, we have highlights of a prior show put together by the podcast team. This episode highlights an awesome opportunity in creating branded bundles and selling them on Amazon. Our guest has been doing it for years and is quite successful in more ways than just monetarily.


We covered episode #709 - Meet a seven figure branded bundle Amazon seller who employs special needs employees




Jim gives an introduction to the show’s guest, Kim, who is building a beautiful business using the branded bundle strategy! This is not a model for new Amazon students but rather those who are well established with a business. (more info can be found at: Additionally, she is providing incredible opportunities for people with special needs to work in her business!


The guest details her 20 year history of e-commerce and how her dream of being able to employ people with special needs came to fruition!


The guest talks about her purpose driven business and how the employees are loyal, happy to work, good at repetitive tasks and meticulous, which makes every day a good day!


Jim encourages the guest to write a book based on her incredible experience she has with not only building a business but also creating employment for people with special needs!


The guest shares some tips and pain points she’s experienced with the branded bundle model. She feels her bundles have been successful due to many of them being “universal” in terms of recipients. Also a word of caution - be careful how you list products within the bundles. Be willing to navigate pain points and persist through the challenges! And always remember your WHY!


Show note LINKS: - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training. The PAC is updated free for life! - The leading course about creating branded bundles on Amazon the way Kim discusses in this episode. This full course will be added to the PROVENAMAZONCOURSE.COM collection of modules in early 2024!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May. Early bird tickets are on sale now!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Call: 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) or grab a slot on our calendar at

Jan 25, 2024

On today’s new podcast episode we meet a longtime friend of mine who recently found himself in a major career change and contacted me about selling on Amazon. He’s doing great as both a student and coaching student. We are even talking to him now about possibly becoming a coach on our team because his business has grown so rapidly so quickly and he has an incredible teacher's heart!


You'll enjoy hearing the insights of what he’s learned along the way so far as well as the tremendous rewards of building a business with family.


Watch today's episode on our YouTube channel here:


Today's episode is sponsored by Sellerboard

Check out sellerboard - THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: 


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! Or visit


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now!


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Grab a slot on our calendar at


My Silent Team Facebook group. 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - it's included in the - will be added to PAC in early 2024 - 10 Advanced Keepa strategies that will make you a product souring ninja!


Jeff Schick - legal counselor for Amazon sellers


Episode #714 - Very practical lesson learned after working with numerous overseas virtual assistants who help run my business at


Jimmy Smith's video - How to Evaluate Variations using Keepa


Today's guest Mike Alte

Jan 24, 2024

Are you looking for a competitive advantage on Amazon? Nothing will make your path as smooth as learning to confidently SOURCE TEST WORTHY ASINS!


Odds are that unless you are very experienced or you've been coached by us you are likely skipping over NUMEROUS great WINNING ASINs on Amazon (test worthy products) without even realizing it.


That's the topic of today's episode. Watch today's episode on our YouTube channel here:


Our special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: Why does my account health number drop sometimes even though I didn't get any issues on my account? 


Also of note: classes start TODAY! As a reminder, that's the free program in Amazon where they pay you to upload review videos. Visit ProvenAZinfluencer site to join the class (joining a little late is fine), and learn about this incredible program!



Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May. Early bird tickets are on sale now! - Join Brian and Robin Joy Olson and our leadership team for a two day workshop in Orlando on May 21-22nd (just prior to on the 23 – 25th at the same resort!)

Jan 22, 2024

Our guest today recently graduated from college, but now he's more excited about his Amazon business than his previous traditional career path.


He's a student who got connected to our community through word of mouth (which is the only way anyone ever hears about us).


He's just had a huge December - which was only his second full month of being an Amazon seller. He asks a lot of great questions and gives a lot of great tips on this episode - you'll learn a ton while listening, I promise!


Sponsored by Getida: Wondering if you are not getting all of your Amazon payouts like refund reimbursements? We recommend working with Getida. Their success rate in recovering lost funds is well above average!


Watch our episode today on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS:


My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - our May 2024 live event (our guest on today's show is planning to attend as well as hundreds of your fellow listeners to our podcast). Early Bird tickets are on sale now!


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


OAsimplified -  (a module inside the library that teaches online sourcing strategies for REPLENS sellers- also sold separately at


Replen Dashboard -


Seller Amp - Our community discount/affiliate link


Humnbird  - Tax and Entity set up services as well as Brand Registry and Trademark services


Today's guest Evan Coleman

Jan 20, 2024

In today's episode, we have highlights of a prior show. This episode includes selling on eBay, Amazon coaching with Coaches Larry and Sue Pruett, getting systems in place, hiring a VA through Legends, getting IP complaints and his store deactivated, appealing the suspension and getting reinstated and more. What a journey!


We covered episode #703 - From working in the CIA to building a beautiful Amazon business FT    You can hear the full episode at


Today's highlights:


Ryan's story - The guest talks about his journey including writing a book called Introduction to Sports Memorabilia by Ryan Walsh, starting a prep center with a friend (called Encore Business Group) and triumphing over some very difficult family situations during this time!


Our is our resource that lists prep centers. Ryan's prep center website is linked here:


This segment is an encouragement to anyone experiencing difficult life situations! The guest discusses in detail some of the hurdles he overcame including family illness and divorce. Jim shares how in these types of situations, there are two possible outcomes - sink or swim! Jim correlates what the guest shares to the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (and Celebrate Recovery) - starting with Step 1 - admitting I’m a mess and ending with Step 12 - helping others get out of what I was in! A favorite saying of Ryan's is, “Pressure makes diamonds or dust!” 


The guest shares how he is running his prep center FT, maintaining a presence on AZ utilizing Replens, trying different models for his business and continuing to study The Proven Amazon Course (PAC). Jim puts in a plug for the Coaching Program, which consists of more than 60 coaches and to date, has coached nearly 10,000 sellers!  Jim and the guest discuss this Proven Product Partnering as a business model (found as a module in PAC) which teaches sellers how to partner with brands to get their products on Amazon. 


The guest shares details about his previous career, which was working for the CIA for 7 years. During this time he traveled the world internationally but started to have health issues. These experiences helped him recognize the poverty around the world and the appreciation for all we have. Jim reminds the listeners how blessed we are in the US and what an “overcomer spirit” the guest has.  The guest reminds the listeners that there is light after the darkness and Jim ends by saying that this episode is really going to encourage others! 


Show note LINKS:


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now Early Bird price!


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively to grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training. Proven Product Partnering is a module in PAC!





Jan 18, 2024

Today's guest still has a full-time job and is taking online college courses... and has a young daughter but he's squeezed into the cracks of his life the Amazon REPLENS selling business model that we teach in the training - and it's going really well!


He started in the Summer of 2023 and he's ramped up incredibly fast!


He shares how he finds great inventory, the tools he's using, the power of doing some of your own shipping (FBM), the power of local relationships and also how he's well on his way to having a seven figure business.


*** On today’s podcast episode, Jim mistakenly refers to podcast episode 756 when he meant to refer to number 754. That’s the episode where Khang talks about his fully automated $3 million amazon REPLENS business.


Sponsored by Arbitrage Card - Save cash with DISCOUNTED GIFT CARDS! A member of our community has put together a free eBook on this topic which includes a basic introduction to gift cards as well as some tips and resources that can benefit even those who are already experienced with gift cards. Get the free report at:


Show note LINKS:


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now!


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Sellerboard - THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: 


SellerAmp: our special community discount can be found here Offering Tax and Business Entity set up services as well as Brand Registry and Trademark services. Free tax consultation, too!


Today's guest requested we not reveal his full name because he's still full-time employed.


Jan 17, 2024

On today's new "coaches corner" podcast episode Robin Joy and Brian answer several why questions related to the 100 ASIN challenge that we teach to ensure success on Amazon.


They also discuss a powerful benefit beyond ASINs being added as a replen and that is Amazon's Account Health Rating (AHR) 


“To ensure your AHR is evaluated in context of the size of your business, you also gain 4 points for every 200 successful orders you fulfilled over the last 180 days.”


When they say, “Use a 3-step check and a 4-week test to build a 5-figure business in 6 months or less…if you’re consistent!” What is the significance of 5-figures and 6 months?

Why is $10,000/mo in sales significant?


Why is 6 months or less significant?


Why is 100 ASINs significant?


Famous Quote

Strength doesn’t come from what you CAN do; it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t — Rikki Rogers (author)


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: Can a seller actually get themselves into trouble with Amazon by reporting other sellers and attempting to build a case against other sellers? 


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS:


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit – Join Brian and Robin Joy Olson and our leadership team for a two day workshop in Orlando on May 21-22nd (just prior to on the 23 – 25th at the same resort!)


KICKSTART Bootcamp - Brand New to Amazon and REPLENS? All students of the course who've not yet made their first REPLENS sale will benefit greatly from this series of live (and recorded of course) zoom group sessions with a coach - it's only $39!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets go on sale very soon!




Jan 15, 2024

Imagine selling thousands of items monthly in the US on from New Zealand - without ever seeing or touching your inventory!


Our guest today knew he needed a big change when one of his sons began to struggle and really needed his family nearby. As a school principal with a busy schedule our guest for today's podcast episode began seeking an internet based opportunity and he found our community.


To make a long story short, it's gone incredibly well and he's built a seven figure business using strategies from the training and he's now a coach on our team as well!


This is a touching story of a family that made a major pivot and came out on top. Prepare to be inspired!


Today's episode is sponsored by Humnbird: Offering Tax and Business Entity set up services as well as Brand Registry and Trademark services


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS:


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Grab a slot on our calendar at - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit - Need a hand in prepping inventory? We have a list of all known Amazon seller prep centers worldwide. If you know of a prep center that’s not listed, please let us know!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets go on sale very soon!


Today's guest: Jim Seumanu from New Zealand




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