There's a little known program that's been around for nearly 15 years that gives $10K worth of paid ads (PayPerClick) from Google EVERY MONTH.
It's easier to qualify than you can imagine.
Odds are you DO NOT have a non-profit organization right now, but stick with me - you easily COULD have one in a matter of days, and then you'd have a massive advantage over those who are unaware of this opportunity.
This is legit, legal ethical and above board. You can do this the RIGHT WAY and you'll love it I promise.
Today's guest has helped 100s of brand owners navigate the process of securing free ads from Google to help grow brands while supporting great causes - via a non-profit org.
If that sounds complex hearing it the first time, I understand, but this is a win-win-win unlike anything I've seen before. It's a creative, simple and elegant solution that should be considered by anyone who WANTS a brand or HAS a brand they are trying to grow online or on Amazon.
They do ALL the work for you!
Today's podcast guest is from Ad Grants Genie. See the very special offer they have for friends of our community here :
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS:
Proven Amazon Course - - Are you ready to be successful selling on Amazon? It's time to get instant access to the most widely used, most up to date, most creative and industry leading course in the "Learn to sell on Amazon" space. You'll find hundreds of recent success stories in our Free Facebook group from Amazon sellers using all manner of creative strategies from our ridiculously inexpensive yet powerful course!
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 75,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world - It's not too late to attend our May 23-25th 2024 live event in Orlando! Nearly 800 registered to attend! Some tickets remain, and livestream is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up! - Book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.
Here's the topics of today's clips put together by the team:
Jim gives us an introduction and background on
Coach intro to Kickstart Bootcamp - Robin Joy gives an overview
A question about using a prep center and doing online arbitrage
A question about creating a product listing in the Amazon catalog - do's and don'ts
A question about percentages of online shopping and the opportunity of selling
Feedback on the bright future of ecommerce
Show note LINKS:
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - if you want a shortcut to learning all you need to get started then get the Proven Amazon Course and go through Kickstart. - It's not too late to get on the great price for our livestream for this event! It is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
Is it good advice or possibly dangerous advice to tell someone to "follow your passions"?
Is it better to "pursue profits" instead of "following your passions"?
Are there business models that you can become passionate about once you see the happy customers you've served well all lining up to say "thank you"?
Which comes first, FEELING GOOD or TAKING ACTION?
All these topics are important for a business building warrior, and I'd venture to say that nearly 100% of the scores of successful students in our community have a great deal of clarity on this topic!
Today's episode is sponsored by Forward Financial Group -
Their money coaches will prepare your free, no obligation plan to get out of debt now!
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS: ebook - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit
Proven Amazon Course - - Are you ready to be successful selling on Amazon? It's time to get instant access to the most widely used, most up to date, most creative and industry leading course in the "Learn to sell on Amazon" space. You'll find hundreds of recent success stories in our Free Facebook group from Amazon sellers using all manner of creative strategies from our ridiculously inexpensive yet powerful course!
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 75,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world - It's not too late to attend our May 23-25th 2024 live event in Orlando! Nearly 800 registered to attend! Some tickets remain, and livestream is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up!
"Extraordinary success is sequential not simultaneous." Gary Keller
That's the theme on today's podcast episode.
Maybe you're asking...
"What is the FIRST right step and the NEXT steps after for my current situation?" Let's talk about it!
We've helped 1,000s of students find their way into profitable businesses through the and other training opportunities, and based on that 20+ years of experience we can tell you that many people are caught in perpetual "study mode" instead of "take action" mode. What actions should you take NOW though in order to build a great future online?
We'll tell you EXACTLY what is next for you - and it's nowhere near as difficult or expensive as you might be imagining!
Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: How can I know if a small retail store is "safe" for sourcing as a reseller on Amazon?
Watch today's episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS:
Proven Amazon Course - - Are you ready to be successful selling on Amazon? It's time to get instant access to the most widely used, most up to date, most creative and industry leading course in the "Learn to sell on Amazon" space. You'll find hundreds of recent success stories in our Free Facebook group from Amazon sellers using all manner of creative strategies from our ridiculously inexpensive yet powerful course! - If you want a shortcut to learning all you need to get started then get the Proven Amazon Course and go through Kickstart. - Our upcoming small group workshop happens the two days prior to the event in Orlando. Come get one-on-one instruction on how to scale fast with our time tested REPLENS model! - It's not too late to attend our May 23-25th 2024 live event in Orlando! Nearly 800 registered to attend! Some tickets remain, and livestream is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up!
On average, every Amazon seller is owed between 1-3% of ALL SALES back from Amazon in lost reimbursements.
These are funds that most sellers will never collected UNLESS they are constantly staying on top of all owed reimbursements from loss, damage, misplaced etc. inventory at Amazon FBA.
Wouldn't it be cool if there was a company that charged you NOTHING to find all those reimbursements and get you the cash you're owed?
Better yet, what if you could try them out and never pay them a penny out of pocket? (They only get paid a small cut when they find your money!)
GETIDA is that service - and if you use this link to sign up FOR FREE:
...then, they have $400 in free reimbursements for you right now! They'll never charge you a penny for their services and you can drop out anytime - no commitment necessary!
This really is a no brainer for anyone selling more than a few hundred dollars per month on Amazon.
On today's podcast episode, I talk about the beauty of AMAZON RESELLING, the future of the Amazon selling business models and the elegant service created by GETIDA that puts more money in YOUR POCKET while never costing you a dime!
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS: - It's not too late to attend our May 23-25th 2024 live event in Orlando! Nearly 800 registered to attend! Some tickets remain, and livestream is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up
Proven Amazon Course - - Are you ready to be successful selling on Amazon? It's time to get instant access to the most widely used, most up to date, most creative and industry leading course in the "Learn to sell on Amazon" space. You'll find hundreds of recent success stories in our Free Facebook group from Amazon sellers using all manner of creative strategies from our ridiculously inexpensive yet powerful course!
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 75,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world
Getida - the free service that finds money Amazon owes you
In today's weekend episode we have highlights of a prior show.
We covered episode #623: A beautiful partnership leads to an amazing Amazon business which you can hear at
This episode's guests have built a fantastic Amazon business with a very part-time effort.
They are the latest of dozens of students that I've interviewed who have succeeded in a big way. They joined our coaching program about a year ago and attribute most of their success to the great experience they've had as coaching students.
They have an unusual partnership. He's a guy with a full-time job and his partner is a nearby friend/family member who is retired - but together their business is booming and they have so many tips to share! They source their profitable inventory in various ways; via online sourcing, local retail and they are also beginning to explore private label products.
You'll be inspired by the unique approach they take to finding profitable inventory for their Amazon business. This is one of those episodes that I promise will inform and encourage you with plenty of highly actionable insights.
Highlight topics put together by the podcast team include:
Retail Arbitrage as a sustainable business model to grow into other models
Important tools for your business and how to utilize them
Relationships; some very endearing stories shared by both the guests and Jim
The importance of having a legal advisor on your team (Jeff Schick is so affordable)
Coaching and the level up one gets by investing in mentorship
How the My Silent Team Facebook group is anther place to develop relationships
Show note LINKS:
Jim's book Silent Sales Machine has been updated and you can get the FREE audio version here:
They all talk about the conference from last year but here is this year's info with tickets still available to attend! Visit in order to register for the annual conference - May 23-25, 2024 in Orlando, FL!
Book a free call with Jim’s team regarding coaching (every coach has their own successful Amazon business!) - Need a hand in prepping inventory? We have a list of all known Amazon seller prep centers worldwide. If you know of a prep center that’s not listed, please let us know!
AZinsight -
Chrome Browser Extension. They provide all the information you need on one screen. Great for Online Arbitrage and Retail Arbitrage, Wholesale, Amazon Private Label Sellers. More from AsinZen in helping to prevent the pesky IP claims - -The service we use to help interpret all of the selling data. Keepa is discussed in depth on episode #369 at
Sellerboard - The profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial:
Inventory Labs - A third-party inventory management software. It can enhance the product listing workflow for Amazon sellers. Composed of diverse solutions, the software efficiently aids in the many aspects of running an online business
Replen Dashboard accurately tracks product movement and trends to help you with buying decisions and inventory projections. An awesome piece of software to keep all of your records straight!
Our recommended legal and policy advisor for all things "Amazon"- Jeff Schick's website - They help sellers get established on (even our international students to sell in the US from anywhere in the world) They specialize in everything from Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. We recommend their affordable systems and solutions giving you everything you need to for your wholesale and private label business even overseas!
Proven Amazon Course - - Are you ready to be successful selling on Amazon? It's time to get instant access to the most widely used, most up to date, most creative and industry leading course in the "Learn to sell on Amazon" space. You'll find hundreds of recent success stories in our Free Facebook group from Amazon sellers using all manner of creative strategies from our ridiculously inexpensive yet powerful course! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 75,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world
Hear all the episodes you've been missing at
Today's guests (anonymity requested for job reasons - Brad works full-time) Brad and Georgia
Today's guest has a full-time job with limited time to dedicate to his Amazon adventure, but he's already scaling fast and doing great! He's finding numerous great REPLENS in his local area stores and online.
He calls the training his "roadmap" that's helping him build a great business that will one day "bring him home".
This is the latest of 100s of success stories from our students - prepared to be inspired!
Today's show is sponsored by Getida - the free service that finds money Amazon owes you
Today's guest Shad Adams
Watch today's episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS: - Text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit - It's not too late to attend our May 23-25th 2024 live event in Orlando! Nearly 800 registered to attend! Some tickets remain, and livestream is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up! - Book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here!
My Silent Team Facebook group. 100% FREE! - Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!
Our newer and coaching students often ask questions like, “Where can I find a source that allows me to sell items for a profit on Amazon?”
Typically these students are looking at the current or average recent buy box price on Amazon or the featured price and then setting about trying to find a "cheaper source".
While there's some potential in that model, there's far lower hanging fruit for you to explore and that's the topic of today's new podcast episode.
Today we turn the sourcing question upside down and ask this question instead:
“Now that I know my cost of acquiring this item, what price will I need to sell this item for on Amazon in order to make a profit?"
Next ask...
"Are there ASINs that make my profitable price a reasonable goal?"
Once you know how to look, the answer will be a resounding "YES" far more often that you might suspect!
Let's talk about it on today's episode. Watch it pn our YouTubbe channel here:
Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: What should I look for on a retail store receipt as a reseller on Amazon?
Show note LINKS: - Text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit - It's not too late to attend our May 23-25th 2024 live event in Orlando! Nearly 800 registered to attend! Some tickets remain, and livestream is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up! - Book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course - See over 150 examples of keepa charts of "above buy box" winners that are selling in Jim's account in real time RIGHT NOW.
My Silent Team Facebook group. 100% FREE! - Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!
Today's podcast episode is about the longest running annual event for Amazon sellers and Ecommerce "multiple income stream" business building warriors that is happening soon! It's the 12th annual PROVEN CONFERENCE happening May 23-25th in Orlando - and it's nearly SOLD OUT! has details
Today I talk with the director of our coaching programs, Nathan Bailey who has been with me for twenty years of Ecommerce success and we discuss questions like:
>What topics are covered in the fifty break out sessions at PROVEN? (Amazon, Walmart, TikTok, Wholesale, Branded Bundles, Brand Building, Multiple income stream strategies and more)
>Who should attend this event? (Newbies, seasoned pros and those needing encouragement on their journey towards ecommerce success)
>What can you expect from the event as an attendee? (Cutting edge "what works NOW" content from people on our team who are DOING IT.)
>If you can't attend, should you get the livestream/recordings package? (Hint - YES! It's less than $1 per cutting edge session that you'll receive IF YOU LOCK IN BEFORE THE EVENT STARTS - details at website)
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:
Show note LINKS: - It's not too late to attend our May 23-25th 2024 live event in Orlando! Nearly 800 registered to attend! Some tickets remain, and livestream is less than $1 per session (and you get ALL event recordings!) Get the latest cutting edge ideas from our top performing students for less than $1 per session! Hurry though - when the event starts the price goes WAY up! - Trademark and other services for anyone trying to build a brand - Book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course - The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!
Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.
Here's the topics of today's clips put together by the team:
Robin gives us an introduction and info on upcoming events on and tells us details about TheProvenConference
Coach intro to Kickstart Bootcamp - Robin Joy gives an overview
Should we use Amazon's repricing services?
Do I need to delete my listings to avoid the low inventory fees?
What does chain of custody mean with our inventory and how is it important to sellers?
What is the purpose of finding at least 100 ASINS?
Show note LINKS: - come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are still available now! - our legal expert for all things Amazon
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - if you want a shortcut to learning all you need to get started then get the Proven Amazon Course and go through Kickstart. - episode 820 is our panel discussion about the changes in fees and how it can actually benefit sellers
Over the past 20 years, having coached ecommerce success to nearly 10,000 students, I can tell you with certainty that I know the number one question that anyone who is "stuck" has on their mind...
"What can I sell?"
"Where is the profitable inventory?"
"Where can I start if I want to find good inventory?" etc.
Let's tackle that head on with one of the dozens of great strategies that we teach in our training -I'm giving you ALL the details and ALL the proof that this flat out works... and it's just ONE of NUMEROUS strategies that we teach for new sellers!
Instead of selling at a price lower than everyone else, I'll show you how to sell consistently at a price HIGHER than everyone else - I call it our "above buy box" strategy and it's working amazingly well!
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS: - see over 150 examples of keepa charts of "above buy box" winners that are selling in Jim's account in real time RIGHT NOW. - see the exact setting in keepa to identify fast moving ASINs that are "underserved" in amazon's 100s of warehouses across the US. You'll need to be a member of our free facebook group to see this video. - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!
Today's new podcast episode is a great one to hear as we head into the final days before our event in Orlando FL with well over 700 attendees registered to attend!
If you can't make it to Florida with us May 23-25th, be sure to snag live-stream because you'll be blown away by nearly 50 highly successful speakers from our community (listeners to this podcast and students of the course) who will be sharing what's working NOW for them and their businesses!
Get livestream details on the same page -
Note - there's a HUGE discount in place right up until the event starts...and then the price SHOOTS UP. DO NOT WAIT!
Today's new episode is a visit with a student of ours who has not only built an amazing business using the REPLENS strategies, he's also a software engineering genius - who is making his entire REPLENS WORKFLOW SYSTEM available to all of us for a crazy low price!
Get details at
Enjoy today's revisit with Khang Dang as we dive into the story behind "The System".
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS: - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book! - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!
On today's podcast episode we give an update on "The System" that we first discussed back on the wildly popular episode 754 of our show.
If you are ready to deploy a single software tool that helps you GROW and MONITOR a catalog of REPLENS ASINs while managing and automating the entire workflow process, then today's episode is a MUST LISTEN.
This is going to revolutionize the Amazon game for thousands of REPLENS, OA/RA, branded bundle, wholesale and private label sellers.
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS:
The direct link to our super popular Episode #754 with Khang's update
Listen to Khang's past interviews on the podcast here:
We're very proud of how low we're going to make the price on this tool for you. - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book!
Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are available still! - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!
Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.
Here's the topics of today's clips put together by the team:
Jim gives us an introduction and background on and tells us details about TheProvenConference
Coach intro to Kickstart Bootcamp - Robin Joy gives an overview
A question about brands that are not allowed to sell on Amazon and how Jeff Schick helps our community with Legal Advice
A question about pricing products above the buy box but getting a suppressed listing
A question about ASINS and pricing inventory
A question about who decides when the brand is gated, Amazon or the brand?
Feedback on the panel discussion of the recent Amazon fee changes
A question about the shipping cost increase and how to mitigate that cost into my business
Comments about funding our Amazon businesses
A question about do I have to have a large living space to do this business?
Show note LINKS: - come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are still available now! - our legal expert for all things Amazon - our preferred partner for selling your amazon account or buying a new or seasoned account!
Selling Above Buy Box strategy - this is a link to a Facebook post with over 70 examples of great ASINs selling above buy box for our host Jim Cockrum's Amazon seller account. - a short discussion and video on ungating
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - if you want a shortcut to learning all you need to get started then get the Proven Amazon Course and go through Kickstart. - get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! Or grab a slot on the calendar and we'll call you at - episode 820 is our panel discussion about the changes in fees and how it can actually benefit sellers
Our guest for today's episode started on Amazon many years ago, but he was on a TREADMILL model of scanning bar codes, going store to store, always selling different items and getting stuck with an ever growing "pile" of unsellable inventory.
He got (understandably) frustrated and his margins were dropping.
He did this model for TEN FULL YEARS and then he took a full two years off - he quit Amazon feeling defeated... and then he found our community just a few months ago.
He found the course - he discovered the REPLENS model (the model behind the 100s of sellers success stories you've heard on this show)...
... and now, just three months in, you won't believe what he's built and the great margins he's getting. His business has come back to life, and he's energized by the results and margins of this new model!
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS: - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book! - So much information and great networking at our LIVE event. We'll have Rabbi Lapin as our keynote speaker and 40 break out sessions at the upcoming event in May 2024 in Orlando! - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!
Today's guest: Nic Bennett
What can the different offerings in this community give me that I can’t just get from the
This coaches corner podcast episode discussion explores various educational resources provided by the community that complement the "textbook" knowledge from PAC (Proven Amazon Course).
We discuss everything from free options like our 75K member Facebook group to our $37 Kickstart small group coaching which focuses on getting started with actionable steps. Also discussed are the the Workshop opportunities that demonstrate planning and execution for building a low-risk, predictable business as well as our personalized Coaching offers with will give you the guidance you need one-one-one regardless of your experience level.
Additionally, we discuss the power of the the Proven Conference - our live event which exemplifies the success attainable by applying the various "PAC" strategies.
A blend of self-study, classroom style learning, experimental labs, and tailored coaching ensures a well-rounded approach to business education that is supported by free community platforms like our podcasts and Facebook groups.
There's something we offer that's a perfect fit for you! Let's talk about it!
Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: "What's a 'good invoice/receipt' for Amazon, and what's a 'bad invoice/receipt' for Amazon sellers?" Get additional info on this topic in this Facebook discussion:
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:
Show note LINKS: - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book! - so much information and great networking at our LIVE event. We'll have Rabbi Lapin as our keynote speaker and 40 break out sessions at the upcoming event in May 2024 in Orlando! - our upcoming small group workshop happens the two days prior to the event in Orlando. Come get one-on-one instruction on how to scale fast with our time tested REPLENS model! - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - if you want a shortcut to learning all you need to get started then get the Proven Amazon Course and go through Kickstart. - get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!
Today I interview a married couple who has used our coaching and the relationships they've built in our community to build an incredible business based on the concepts taught in the course.
He left his career in banking behind and she left her teaching career behind as well - and they've been ALL IN for over two years - and it's going great!
They are doing Amazon REPLENS, Brande Bundles and a bit of wholesale too...and they are starting to experiment with Walmart as well. It's a family business that they both work full-time along with help from their two kids.
This episode has plenty of practical tips and loads of encouragement for you regardless of where you are in your ecommerce business journey!
As discussed on today's episode, come meet this family and hundreds of others at event in Orlando May 23-25th!
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:
Sponsored by - Our preferred partner for selling your amazon account or buying a new or seasoned account!
Show note LINKS:
My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Mark your calendar for this May! Our LIVE event has more content and training than ever before .... ! - The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! - They help sellers get established on (sell in the US from anywhere in the world) They specialize in everything from Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. We recommend their affordable systems and solutions giving you everything you need for your wholesale and private label business even overseas! - Text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit
Today's guests: Nick and Michelle Tricomi
Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.
Here's the topics of today's clips put together by the team:
Jim gives us an introduction and background on and the
Coach intro to Kickstart Bootcamp - Robin Joy gives an overview
A question about the new shipping fees and a twist in the seller's advantage of them
A question about the upcoming Proven Conference schedule
A question about selling on Walmart and upcoming training for that
A question about the safety certificates needed to sell toys
Show note LINKS:
Episode #820 is our panel discussion about the changes in fees and how it can actually benefit sellers - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit!
Need a coach? Schedule a free consultation
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!
A panel of leaders from our team got together to tackle these questions recently and we recorded the conversation. ALL Amazon resellers, bundle sellers and anyone who is considering selling on Amazon will benefit from hearing this discussion.
A couple times per year for the past 20+ years we've seen both minor and major updates and changes come into play for sellers on Amazon, eBay etc.
Amazon has changed policy and fee structures recently so we dive into the details.
Right now there's a lot of discussion about the latest fee and shipping changes on Amazon for example. How concerned are serious sellers? How big of an impact will these changes have?
Topics covered among others:
Has the opportunity on Amazon changed? Is it harder now? If so, how much?
Are changes necessary in light of these changes?
How are these changes BENEFITING especially newer sellers?
What's the bottom line impact we are predicting as far as total impact sellers will see?
What solutions have already floated to address these changes?
Watch this epiosde on our YouTube channel:
This episode is sponsored by - They help sellers get established on Amazon (sell in the US from anywhere in the world), They specialize in everything from Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. We recommend their affordable systems and solutions giving you everything you need for your wholesale and private label business even overseas!
Show note LINKS:
Khang's podcast episode 754 - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book! - So much information and great networking at our LIVE event. We'll have Rabbi Lapin as our keynote speaker and 40 break out sessions at the upcoming event in May 2024 in Orlando! - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!
New Amazon sellers can inquire about a $400 credit towards seller shipping fees here:
Today's all new episode tackles common questions and challenges faced by newcomers to selling on Amazon, specifically around restrictions and approved categories. It begins by addressing the concerns of many new sellers who find themselves confused by the limitations placed on what they can sell, noting that initial approval typically includes categories like Home and Kitchen, Arts and Crafts, Office Products, and Pet Supplies (excluding pet food).
Even with all the initial restrictions that Amazon has though, there are a significant number of available ASINs (products) in these approved categories that total over 50,000 products—that meet specific criteria such as having some past or current FBA offers, being non-hazmat, having no Amazon sales in the past 30 days and experiencing at least 30 or so sales rank drops in the past month.
Further, the episode provides strategic advice on how to expand your list of potential ASINs by selecting trustworthy sources.
Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: "If I get some 'free stuff' from a supplier or elsewhere, can I sell it safely on Amazon?"
Watch this episode on ourYouTube channel:
Show note LINKS: - a post in our facebook group that's all about what categories are open to you as a new seller - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book! - So much information and great networking at our LIVE event. We'll have Rabbi Lapin as our keynote speaker and 40 break out sessions at the upcoming event in May 2024 in Orlando! - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!
Today's podcast guest lives in Laos and runs a successful Amazon selling business in the US on He's using concepts from the course to provide all the living expenses he needs while he's living permanently in the country that God called him to serve and love on the people of a poor nation.
Laos is a poor nation where the US dollar goes very far, so our guest for today's show is using the proceeds to bless those near him and even training them on how to get into ecommerce themselves as you'll hear.
It's another great example of what's possible when you learn the basics of Amazon the way we teach it - the flexibility of location is powerful and you won't believe what he's been able to achieve so fast in his young journey of only a few months as a REPLENS student of our training!
This episode is sponsored by the team!
We have nearly 60 coaches currently. Set up a time to chat with us about coaching if you are ready to speed up your journey towards having a real business that you can be proud to own. Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 or set up a calendar date at
Watch this episode on our YouTuve channel:
Show note LINKS: - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book! - So much information and great networking at our LIVE event. We'll have Rabbi Lapin as our keynote speaker and 40 break out sessions at the upcoming event in May 2024 in Orlando!
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Need a hand in prepping inventory? We have a list of all known Amazon seller prep centers worldwide. If you know of a prep center that’s not listed, please let us know!
Today's guest Roger Dunn
Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.
Jim gives us an introduction and background on and the
Coach intro to Kickstart Bootcamp - Robin Joy gives an overview
Podcast best hits -- Jim covers which episodes are most helpful and popular with our listeners of the Silent Sales Machine Radio podcast
Lots of discussion on why Keepa is so important to your Amazon business
My question is, I'm in Canada and I did start my journey as a private label seller and that didn't go too well and then I joined you I think a year ago, should I sell here or in the US?
You have a very unique advantage living in Canada. We've got some cross border training coming from Debbie on our team here and we're going to actually be rolling it out at the conference in May.
My question is how do I do replens? I've always done replens and home goods products which sell very well but I have to get my income up more.
Replens definition
Let's talk about what a replen is real quick.
The difference between where you are now and having a business where you pay someone to put tape on boxes which is $12 $15 an hour work, you need to be spending time perfecting your Keepa skills.
You really got to dive into replens, find test worthy asins and build your book of ASINs
When you start off in the Proven Amazon Course you're going to start off with Amazon 101, then both Replens courses we offer in the PAC. You will see exactly where to start on the tab "get started" and that's going to keep you busy the next three or four months.
What podcast could help me understand keepa charts?
If you want a shortcut get the course get the proven Amazon course go through Kickstart.
Podcast episodes which are helpful and fan favorites. Episodes 369 is the go to beginner's understanding of how we use Keepa, then episodes 612, 554, 555, 754 at
For those of you who around earlier when I was mentioning it podcast episode 754 is our interview with Khang Dang. He's brilliant and created a software program to help manage his multimillion dollar Amazon business. We're very proud of how low we're going to make the price on this thing.
Someone asked if there's any repricing training inside the Proven Amazon Course. Yes, there is. Bqool is one of our great sponsors.
Repricer training - Bqool training module inside the (direct link)
Bqool webpage with group special
Questions for us? If you got any questions about anything that we talked about tonight you can always contact our support team at
On today’s new podcast episode we meet a married couple who began their Amazon selling journey just a few short months ago.
They are students who quickly jumped into our coaching program as well and they are doing great!
As you'll hear, they have made incredible progress in a very short time! You’ll hear what types of products that are selling, how they find a new "test worthy asins", and all the realities of the day today routines they’ve established to give them an incredible trajectory towards a very bright financial future.
They are also joining us in Orlando at the upcoming event along with nearly 700 registered attendees May 23-25th! If you can't make it, be sure to grab livestream access as soon as possible on that same website while it's on sale!
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here
Check out our sponsor for this episode. Aura
Aura is the modern Amazon repricer, powered by AI. Leverage advanced features like Maven and Hyperdrive to safeguard your margins and keep you competitive. Start growing your sales profitably by automating your pricing—in under 10 minutes. Claim your free 14-day trial today, no credit card required.
If you're a new Amazon seller doing under $10k per month, you'll want to check out Aura's Early Stage program. Get access to Aura's advanced features for only $27/mo for up to 12 months. Visit
Today's guests Silas and Christine Anderson
Show note LINKS: - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit!
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but after helping hundreds of students succeed on Amazon last year we are positive that "There is No Magic Formula".
We can teach you the SYSTEM, but there are lessons to learn and opportunity comes with a steady ongoing learning curve.
This new podcast episode discusses the opportunities and complexities of finding profitable Amazon products (aka Amazon Standard Identification Numbers or ASINs).
We address the common misconception that there's a simple magic formula for success in selecting "winning profitable" ASINs. There just isn't!
The discussion emphasizes the importance of matching any ASIN you find with a reputable source, avoiding third-party sellers, ensuring brand accuracy, and verifying listing details. It further highlights that testing is crucial for gaining experience, understanding inventory placement, improving account health, receiving seller feedback, and uncovering profit opportunities.
Once you have these habits, you will be an ASIN hunting NINJA, but until then, you're taking unnecessary risks and cutting your success short!
The episode advises testing safely by choosing fast-moving items, protecting capital, and being open to testing rather than finding reasons not to. It concludes that there's no universal formula for testing or replenishing ASINs, stressing that experience and inventory control, even with a small number of units, are key to making informed decisions.
The importance of diligence and careful evaluation is underscored in the conclusion.
Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: "Can the actions I take with my amazon SHOPPING (buyer) account effect my Amazon SELLER account?"
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:
Show note LINKS: - get access to the book that launched this podcast, sold over 1million copies with 1,000s of five star reviews on - it's the latest version of the Silent Sales Machine book! - so much information and great networking at our LIVE event. We'll have Rabbi Lapin as our keynote speaker and 40 break out sessions at the upcoming event in May 2024 in Orlando! - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and course
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!
Today's all new podcast episode is yet another fantastic Proven Amazon Course success story student!
Sharon is a full-time teacher, but with her spare time she’s built an incredible Amazon business!
With the help of coaches on our team, she has built successful branded bundles and is also using our REPLENS selling strategies as taught in the course.
You pick up several valuable strategies and tips from our discussion with Sharon today.
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Today's show is sponsored by Getida - the free service that finds money Amazon owes you
Show note LINKS: - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - added to the library as of mid-April 2024!
Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! Tickets are on sale now! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit! - schedule a call with our coaching team to discuss your Amazon business - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here!
My Silent Team Facebook group -
100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - get paid to refer others to any of our free and paid resources - They specialize in everything from Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. We recommend their affordable systems and solutions giving you everything you need to for your wholesale and private label business even overseas! - the amazon policy expert and lawyer used by many in our community
Today's guest: Sharon Atherton