I recently asked our community of 63,000 ecommerce sellers to share what item that they had most recently sold on their amazon account.
Specifically I was asking those who are following our "Replens" training to respond. Hundreds of great responses poured in, and the ensuing discussion was full of tips and strategies that surprised many of us!
It was such an educational and entertaining thread that I decided to make a podcast episode about the lessons and great strategy ideas found in the great responses.
There's also a link below so you can join in the discussion thread and see it for yourself.
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the best selling Amazon selling course with more success stories than any other in the world! You won't believe the price!
The “What did you just sell?” discussion thread in our free Facebook group:
Our coaching program: JimCockrumCoaching.com
Hear more episodes and get the show notes at our podcast website - https://SilentJim.com/podcast
Don't miss an episode - sign up for notifications on the Telegram app - SilentJim.com/updates
Here's a hard working student who took off FAST once she found this podcast and our community! After becoming disillusioned with the hyped up youtube videos she saw which were all pushing the risky Amazon strategy called "private label", Cris decided that she wanted to find something "real" and "scalable". She joined our community just a few short months ago and studied the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course. Just four months in she's sold $70,000 worth of product at 30% profit! You'll love the specific strategies shared in this episode by our guest Cris Beam.
Watch on our YouTube channel:
My Silent Team Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam
100% FREE! Join 62,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - comprehensive course which inlcudes full replens training modules as well as new seller training and advanced strategies - the course that got Cris started (also known as the PAC)
Replens Training (this course is a module inside the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course) https://provenamazoncourse.com/replens
TACTICAL ARBITRAGE: http://jimc.biz/2POEc8F - the tool that Cris uses to analyze her buying data
JimCockrumCoaching.com the coaching program for those who prefer a one-on-one coach for the ecommerce/Amazon FBA
Hear more episodes and get the show notes by visiting our podcast website here https://SilentJim.com/podcast
SilentJim.com/updates - get a smartphone notification each time we have a new podcast episode!
You read that right - they found over 75 unique, profitable products to sell on Amazon IN A SINGLE DAY! Better yet, these products are easily sourced and AND SELL OVER and OVER AGAIN on Amazon! Better yet - they found these items over a year ago and a full YEAR LATER over half of those products are still steady sellers! Of course they've found many more now as well. It's not complicated - these products are right on store shelves near them -easily sourced off by online shopping or by visiting stores.
THIS is yet another awesome story about the power of our unique REPLENS model! See the links below for more details on learning this model.
Today's guests are a couple that is transitioning out of full-time paid church ministry into their own online business. They took our two day intensive "on site" REPLENS training and it went great (so far every student has LOVED it)! Jason and Heydi Marshall have a beautiful family and they love the flexible lifestyle that they now enjoy thanks to their thriving Amazon FBA business. Hear their motivating story full of strategies and tips on today's episode.
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/36WfDuuQ9Fo
ProvenReplenTraining.com - the program where we send a team to YOUR hometown and literally walk you through finding and listing over 50 replens for your Amazon selling account
Check out more podcasts at https://silentjim.com
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the coaching program Gene used. Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon modules, events and training including of course REPLENS (updated free for life with one time purchase).
ProvenAmazonCourse.com/replens - use this course if you have experience already selling on Amazon and you want ONLY our Replens module.
Hear more episodes and get the show notes by visiting our podcast website here https://SilentJim.com/podcast
SilentJim.com/updates - get a smartphone notification each time we have a new podcast episode!
Today we'll meet a trio who have built a beautiful amazon business using the replens model that we teach. They are ProvenAmazonCourse.com students who have achieved some great success very rapidly! They've scaled, grown a team and focus only on 100% ROI items that they say they can find "everywhere". It's yet another encouraging story that shows what's possible! We also spend some time unpacking some timeless biblical truths that apply to all businesses - such as the power and purpose of strong relationships in business. Today's guests: Joshua Purba, Victoria Warsito & Agus Irawan.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-qVoOezuXKI
ProvenAmazonCourse.com the "replens" module inside this course is what Gene used to get his biz rocketing forward!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com/replens - use this course if you have experience already selling on Amazon and you want ONLY our Replens module.
Keepa.com - The service we use to help interpret all of the selling data
My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 62,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world
JimCockrumCoaching.com the coaching program for those who prefer a one-on-one coach for the ecommerce/Amazon FBA
Hear more episodes and get the show notes by visiting our podcast website here https://SilentJim.com/podcast
Get alerts on new episodes by signing up here: SilentJim.com/updates
Today we'll meet a professional home inspector who started selling online a couple years ago. He was toying around with selling yardsale items, clearance items and books until he joined our coaching program at JimCockrumCoaching.com and discovered our replens model - and things TOOK OFF! He sold about $60,000 in his first 5-6 months, and then in 2020 he sold over $530K at a great margin. We figured out he earns about $75 per hour in his Amazon business - that's a great gig! Gene is from Canada, so he has some tips for those who live outside the US but are selling into the Amazon.com US market. You'll love his thoughts mindset, doing the work that needs done, and staying focused on your numbers for true growth. Today's guest is Gene Wright
Watch us on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bfDr0fc_cFw
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the coaching program Gene used. Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the "replens" module inside this course is what Gene used to get his biz rocketing forward!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com/replens - use this course if you have experience already selling on Amazon and you want ONLY our Replens module.
My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 62,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!
Hear more episodes and get the show notes by visiting our podcast website here https://SilentJim.com/podcast
SilentJim.com/updates - get a smartphone notification each time we have a new podcast episode!
Is this you? You see all the success on Amazon, but you are almost frustrated by it because it's not happening for you. What's the difference between you and all "those people who are winning"? How are they doing so well and you just can't. After having coached hundreds of recent successful students from "ground zero" into success, I've detected plenty of patterns, and a few common (and easily addressed) issues come up over and over again. Let's tackle them right now so you can succeed selling on the greatest ecommerce platform in world history like so many in our community are doing every day from around the world! Check out more podcasts at https://silentjim.com
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the coaching program Gene used. Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon modules, events and training including of course REPLENS (updated free for life with one time purchase).
Hear more episodes and get the show notes at our podcast website - https://SilentJim.com/podcast
SilentJim.com/updates - get a smartphone notification each time we have a new podcast episode!
In just a few months they hit $20K per month in steady Amazon sales! Today you'll meet a couple who went from googling "how to earn money online" to finding our community and this podcast and then building a $20K per month business! Today we'll talk to Racheal Rolling. She's a ProvenAmazonCourse.com student who has an Amazon FBA business that is taking off fast! Both she and her husband have great careers in the medical field (Physicians Assistant and Pharmacist), but during Covid they decided they wanted more. Today you'll hear their journey and strategy for getting out of debt and building the future of their dreams!
Watch us on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/yfMCrnpqg9s
Show Notes:
PROVENreplenTraining.com - virtual hands on two day training which works with you directly in your hometown through the internet and literally walks you through start to finish in finding, packing and shipping 50+ (most cases way PLUS) replens for your business with 50%-100% roi
ProvenAmazonCourse.com/legends The private membership facebook group which takes your business to the next level - check out the $1 trial offer!
Keepa - The data analysis program every seller who has a viable business needs to know how to use to do proper research
My Silent Team Facebook group. 100% FREE! Join 62,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the best coaching program out there! Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team
Hear more episodes and get the show notes at our podcast website - https://SilentJim.com/podcast
SilentJim.com/updates - get a smartphone notification each time we have a new podcast episode!
When it comes to building a viable business online, some will make it, and some won't. With a couple decades of experience I feel like I can consistently predict who the winners will be - and it all comes down to how you decide to answer one simple question! Today I'll share that question with you and tell you why it's VITAL. I made this episode today because as I look around the landscape of those who started their online business journeys in the past 5,10 or 20 years and seemed to have great momentum, too many have gone on to fail - and that's upsetting, and unnecessary. There are many others I've watched however who, like me have stood the test of time and continue year after year to thrive and grow in the world of home based internet business. Let's explore why that is with a simple question.
100% FREE! Join 62,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the best coaching program out there! Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team
SilentJim.com/updates - get a smartphone notification each time we have a new podcast episode!
This is Neil Stevens' 2nd time on the podcast and in this episode he gives an update on his business and talks about how his "stubborn persistence" has helped him go from selling Bible covers on eBay to having a huge, growing business.
The interview on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/LMZBM1sjrdg
ProvenAmazonCourse.com/legends The private membership facebook group which takes your business to the next level - check out the $1 trial offer!
My Silent Team Facebook group. 100% FREE! Join 62,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the best coaching program out there! Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team
SilentJim.com/updates - get a smartphone notification each time we have a new podcast episode!
Today's guest bought the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course a couple of years ago and has gone on to have incredible success with wholesale products and now as well with his own private label products on Amazon. He's done it all while working full-time in the medical field. He has practical advice for those just starting out as well as great tips and strategies for those who are already growing! Enjoy! Today's guest is JimCockrumCoaching.com student Nick Heintz
Catch the episode on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/RRDibc4qCTY
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the coaching program Gene used. Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the "replens" module inside this course is what Gene used to get his biz rocketing forward!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com/replens - use this course if you have experience already selling on Amazon and you want ONLY our Replens module.
My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 62,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!
Today we meet two Amazon sellers who are new students in our community. They only recently started selling on Amazon, but they are looking to hit $10K per month in sales very soon! They just had an $8,000 sales the month this month. After buying the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course a few months ago they decided to get a coach and business really took off from there. Today's guests are Julien Meagher & Cristina Nicolae from Canada.
Watch on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/Z2CpyTNjyaM
JimCockrumCoaching.com -the coaching program Gene used. Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the "replens" module inside this course is what Gene used to get his biz rocketing forward!
My Silent Team Facebook group - 100% FREE! Join 62,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!
Chris and Laisie have plans to go full-time with their Amazon business very soon and leave behind their corporate careers! They started out by attempting to build their own private label brand about 18 months ago on Amazon, but after spending far too much time, energy and money on a course and training they decided it was time to look for a better way and that's when they found this podcast!
They jumped into our coaching program just a few short months ago, as well as the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course and now business is booming because they are doing things the way we teach (no big investments needed, inch deep-mile wide product selection, put cash in the bank instead of wasting cash on tools etc.)
In this episode you'll hear how they manage to squeeze all those great results into what little time they have (they also have a 10 month old baby!)
PAC https://provenamazoncourse.com
My Silent Team Facebook group
Coaching at https://jimcockrumcoaching.com
Selling on Amazon is truly an international opportunity! Today we meet a family that just added their second child and hopes to soon make Amazon selling the full-time income for dad! The next goal is a $40,000 sales month at about 100% ROI! Today's guest: Ross Wooding
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2Gk_22TY_mw
ProvenAmazonCourse.com the course Ross used to launch and grow his business
RevSeller - get details and the best price here:ProvenAmazonCourse.com/revseller
Today we meet yet another ProvenAmazonCourse.com student who is putting our "replens" strategy to work and getting great results! Stacey used a few other strategies when she first got started selling on Amazon, but when she jumped into the PAC and the "replens" model, things really took off! She has some great strategies to share as well! Today's guest: Stacey Anderson. All show notes are at https://silentjim.com
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ypKctfs5i30
Best selling Amazon course: https://provenamazoncourse.com
Kim is a wife and mother to four. She's had a very successful 20 year career in accounting as a corporate controller, but about a year ago she decided that she really wanted to get some of her time back so she could be home more with her husband and kids - including a special needs 14 year old son.
She started looking for online opportunities. She soon found herself in an Amazon seller community (not ours) where numerous sellers were struggling and spending big bucks in futility while trying to set up their own private label brands on Amazon. In one conversation she saw, our community (THIS podcast) was described as a "better way" to build an Amazon business, so she gave us a shot! That was just a few short months ago, and already as a ProvenAmazonCourse.com student she's on track to have a $40K month next month! Show guest: Kim Reid. Hear all episodes at SilentJim.com/podcast
YouTube: https://youtu.be/FDBrxeU-ZR8
MST Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam
ProvenAmazonCourse.com course - the course that helped Kim get rolling successfully on Amazon
Here's a picture of Kim's son at work (posted in our free Facebook group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/3476920545757364/
Today we meet a family man who lost his job when Covid struck. He got into the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course and scrambled to build an Amazon FBA business and a few months later he's now expecting to sell $15,000 this month (net $5-6,000) and next month $40,000. His business is growing steadily and you'll be inspired by his story! He also has a powerful message regarding attitude and motivation.
Watch this very inspirational interview on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/wO2dDLDCiuU
Morgan episode we reference: Episode #189
Replens training is one module included among numerous other modules in the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course
Roger's book - Available on Amazon: "Mediocrity is a Choice" by Roger Morton
KDPcourse.com (10 books in 10 days)
In 2017 Adam's business got turned upside down as he and his family moved to NYC from Maryland. What he was doing would no longer work so he had to figure out a new path forward. He did and now he sells on multiple platforms.
He also shared a touching story about stepping out of your comfort zone. Get show notes at https://silentjim.com/podcast
Check out this episode on You Tube: https://youtu.be/rcUdnrlaTxg
Legends - http://provenamazoncourse.com/legendstrial
This episode will entertain you, but more importantly you'll see how having 2 very strong whys helped Adam and Emily grow their business to a point where Adam just recently quit his job. Get all of the show resources mentioned at https://silentjim.com/podcast
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel https://youtu.be/aPDc8W1hzW4
Legends - http://provenamazoncourse.com/legendstrial
Coaching Program - http://jimcockrumcoaching.com/
In this episode we address the hardest questions our community is asking about our most popular and successful Amazon seller strategy for new sellers called "replens". Early in the episode we briefly explain what the "replens" model is, and then we dive into four hard questions.
Question one: Is growing an Amazon business really worth it?
Question two: How do I avoid IP (trademark etc.) issues?
Question 3: What are the biggest hurdles I'll face as an Amazon seller.
Question 4: What are the necessary daily tasks of a successful Amazon seller?
As always, get all show notes and hear all episodes at SilentJim.com/podcast
See the interview on our YT channel: https://youtu.be/5sbR4ozqaUU
Our Free Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam
SilentJim.com/ip - the IP alert software that we talk about in this episode
SilentJim.com/podcast episode 263 avoiding IP issues on Amazon
Private Replens Facebook Group (must be a student to gain access - email Support@SilentSalesMachine.com for details)
Legends Group - ProvenAmazonCourse.com/legends
Watch on youtube here: https://youtu.be/5sbR4ozqaUU
Justin is a husband and a father of 5 kids who did whatever it took and sold plasma to raise funds to start his business.
His business has grown to the point where he just recently quit his job to go full time!
Watch our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/4paySREOscM
Legends Trial - https://provenamazoncourse.com/legendstrial/
Today we meet a guest who expects to sell about $1.2million on Amazon in 2020 and he learned it all from the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course and our community! It's not a complex business model. He claims (and proves!) that you can source profitable items in ANY STORE that will sell over and over again WITHOUT ever needing to "bargain hunt". For example, he shares a story about one of his top selling items that is sourced from a gas station chain where he pays full-price and still makes a great profit! He's also automated his business by building out a shopping team and a prepping team so he truly has a systemized and rapidly growing business that sells over 700 different items predictably on Amazon every month! Today's guest is Josh Rojas. As always, all show notes and links can be found at SilentJim.com/podcast
Our YouTube video channel has this interview: https://youtu.be/DYm_PfB27qg
Dave Ramsey's book: "EntreLeadership"
We last heard from Rich and Shelley Potter in episode #221 just after Rich had quit his full time job to go full time on Amazon. Now they are closing in on a $2.5million year in sales and they have some incredible tips to share with us! I'm also excited to announce that they've become coaches on our team at JimCockrumCoaching.com. As always, get all show notes and hear all episodes at SilentJim.com/podcast (most episodes are NOT on youtube!)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/ss45KDIRbdA
Proof of the $1.5million in sales through Sept 2020 and a great discussion in our free facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/ /permalink/3298403236942430
JimCockrumCoaching.com - Rich and Shelley are coaches on our team!
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the course that got them started
Do you hate scanning barcodes to find inventory? (We do too- and we don't have to!) Are you tired of "racing to the bottom" with your prices on Amazon? (We've found a solution!) Are competitors coming out with similar offers and hurting your biz? (There are strategies to prevent this!) Are you convinced that Private Label products (your own product) is the ONLY way to truly build a biz on Amazon? (That's simply NOT true!) If any of these are thoughts you've ever had about Amazon, you NEED this episode!
Check out the BEST way to get paid daily on Amazon Payability: http://go.
As always all links can be found at SilentJim.com
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon modules, events and training including of course REPLENS (updated free for life).
Episode 311 - the episode you MUST listen to if you are learning Amazon selling from youtube
Humnbird.com - the branding/trademark company we refer all our students to
Keepa - the one app that we suggest for replens training
The note from Tim that Jim reads:https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/3332372260212194/
The note from Janet that Jim reads: