New podcast episode alert!
After having coached and trained 1,000s of sellers to success in our community, we've identified some powerful patterns!
There's only a handful of common mistakes that new sellers make, and if you can avoid these handful of mistakes then your odds of Amazon seller success SKYROCKETS! Amazon is growing so fast, and the "underserved shelf space" on millions of ASINs at their 100's of warehouses is getting easier to find, so new sellers have MORE advantages than they've ever had before.
Today we go over the list of the common BIG mistakes we see newbies (and other sellers) making, and we discuss what you should be doing instead.
Episode 925 - Brian and Robin Joy talk about ungating for new sellers
Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:
Show note LINKS: - Schedule a FREE, customized and insightful consultation with my team or me (Jim) to discuss your e-commerce goals and options.
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