What if you only needed a list of ASINs (Amazon listings) and then a powerful, low cost software took over and told you when to buy and when not to buy all the ASIN's on your list?
What if that tool was also a complete workflow tool for REPLENS sellers?
That's what Khang has built and he's used it to run a $3million Amazon reselling business virtually hands free. Better yet, we've beta tested the tool with 200 other students and it's working great!
This very well could be the greatest tool every created for Amazon resellers.
I think we are about to change the Amazon reselling business forever.
On today's new podcast episode we talk about what we have formerly referred to as "The System" referenced as Mercury in the show - SilentJim.com/mercury
Watch this interview on our YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/RI_7tt6wijw
Show note LINKS:
Khang's prior interviews on the SilentJim.com/podcast : #826: The new software that automates a multimillion Amazon REPLENS business and #754: Fully automated OA REPLENS business doing multiple seven figures
SilentJim.com/thesystem - "The System" is a complete Amazon reseller and Walmart workflow software that minimized the staff required to run your Amazon reselling business and helps the owner (you) become a hands free business owner! The System automates Amazon reselling.
SilentJim.com/bookacall - Schedule a FREE, customized and insightful consultation with my team or me (Jim) to discuss your e-commerce goals and options.
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model with two courses available on this topic alone. The PAC is updated free for life!