
Silent Sales Machine Radio

Voted the #1 podcast for Amazon sellers in late 2024! Still the ONLY Amazon seller podcast that features 100's of RECENT, REAL stories and strategies for Amazon FBA sellers around the world! Welcome to the most listened to and success filled Amazon/Walmart/eBay seller podcast on the web! This is the official podcast of the course. Inside the free 78,000+ member Facebook group for fans of the show ( has a link) you'll MEET and INTERACT with an amazing community that uses the strategies taught on this show to grow incredible businesses. This show features "real people" from all walks of life who pull back the curtain on the struggles, victories and strategies that come with WORKING HARD to build a beautiful business online. Nothing worth having comes easy, but prepare to be inspired by those who are charting a course towards building an amazing business online. The hundreds of featured guests on the show are students as well as some of the 7,000+ coaching students from our Ecommerce coaching program that's been operating with a great reputation since 2003. The host, Jim Cockrum ( has had a reputation as one of the most credible sources of eCommerce strategy advice to be found since 1999. Bottom line: Regardless of experience level, you'll learn proven online business strategies on this show and become an Amazon selling NINJA! This show applies timeless, proven strategies to modern eCommerce challenges. This podcast is for anyone who is looking to build or start an online business the RIGHT way with advice from one of the most trusted names in online marketing. With over 6.3 million downloads on iTunes heading into 2025, you've found the right place to launch and grow the online business of your dreams. NOTE: This show and related content are not related to or endorsed by, nor are the success stories you'll hear representative of typical or average results you can expect. Results discussed are provided for demonstration of what is possible, but are not intended to imply that you'll achieve similar results or any results.
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Silent Sales Machine Radio











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Now displaying: 2023
Nov 13, 2023

Today's guest on the podcast knew literally nothing about computers a couple years ago.


He now manages a $2.2million Amazon business using the REPLENS model as taught in the course. They are finding a steady stream of 50%-60% ROI products and scaling fast!


He attributes the training of course, but also ATTITUDE and RELATIONSHIPS. You'll hear what he sells, where he finds it and his philosophy of winning on Amazon.


He's beginning to get into branded bundles as well in 2024 ( as you'll hear us discuss. He has some very high praises for that course!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


This episode is sponsored by the team! We have nearly 60 coaches currently. Set up a time to chat with us about coaching if you are ready to speed up your journey towards having a real business that you can be proud to own. Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)


Show note LINKS: - Many of our top students use these exact strategies to sell multiple six figures monthly on Amazon by simply placing name brand items in unique bundles


Helium Ten Software - - get a discount using our community link! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!


AZinsight - A Chrome Browser Extension. They provide all the information you need on one screen. Great for Online Arbitrage and Retail Arbitrage, Wholesale, Amazon Private Label Sellers. More from AsinZen


Keepa - Amazon price tracker Chrome extension


Book a consulting call with our coaching team! We've coached nearly 10,000 E-commerce warriors over the past 20 years making us the most established E-commerce coaching team in the world! Here's our schedule:


Today's guest: Mike Connors


Nov 11, 2023

Today's guest is a huge encouragement to those who love a great story in perseverance and also, has very practical help. This segment is all things Keepa - our recommended seller tool! Podcast episode #369 to learn more about Keepa!

We covered episode #663 - Single mom making a big comeback thanks to her hard work on Amazon - Cynthia Potts 
Highlights compiled by the podcast team:
Our community is full of real people facing real challenges and in this case, a widowed mom is working to build her Amazon business. This segment will be a great encouragement to others! 
Jim shares an analogy of The Beatitudes and how there is a progression through them (and he relates this to addiction as well)! The final step is “steppin’ up to help others” in a leadership role and this is exactly what this podcast guest is doing with her journey! 
The guest shares her journey that led her to finding Jim and the Silent Sales Machine! The guest details how she jumped into the MST Facebook group and joined The Proven Amazon Course (PAC), both of which contain an incredible wealth of information! Jim outlines how the PAC is really a library of courses for Amazon sellers to learn anything and everything they’ve ever wanted to about selling on Amazon! 
Jim reminds the listeners how important it is to remember and celebrate the successes along the journey! The guest shares the progression of growing her Amazon business - hustle mode, strategies/systems and teamwork and how she’s reached $50k in sales in the 1st 4 months! The guest discusses several tips she has learned from bigger sellers/leaders in our community including Oscar Mutombo and Leigha Modlin! 


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Call: 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) or grab a slot on our calendar at - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!


Nov 9, 2023

Today's guest is the latest success story that is sure to inspire and encourage you!


Not only did covid wipe out her old business, an accident and resulting surgeries put her on the couch for 18 months! During this time her WARRIOR spirit kicked in however and you'll be amazed by what she's built!


She's used a handful of the strategies that we teach in our community to piece together an incredible business that requires about 8-10 hours of work weekly to maintain - and she built most of it while recovering from back surgery - and without any loans or outside funds with a low starting budget (test small / win big)!


Prepare to be inspired - with loads of actionable strategies!! This is one person you'll REALLY want to look for at the upcoming event in Orlando in May 2024!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - learn how uploading simple videos to Amazon can put cash in the bank - our guest today is doing about $100 per day in pure profit with this! - Many of our top students use these exact strategies to sell multiple six figures monthly on Amazon by simply placing name brand items in unique bundles


Helium Ten Software - - get a discount using our community link! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here!


Book a consulting call with our coaching team! We've coached nearly 10,000 E-commerce warriors over the past 20 years making us the most established E-commerce coaching team in the world! Here's our schedule:


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!


Today's guest: Sue - last name withheld upon request

Nov 8, 2023

"So, what do I need to learn next in order to succeed with my online or Amazon business?"


Have you ever asked that? We can help.


There are several reasons our E-commerce coaching program has lasted for over two decades while most business coaching companies fail within a year or two.


The biggest reason by far is all of the success stories we've generated from our courses ( and coaching clients - and all those successful students tell others! That's how our community continues to grow without paid advertising!


The next biggest factor however is this one I'm pretty sure:

We don't have a "cookie cutter" approach to coaching. All our coaches are top performing students who have carved out some time to help others succeed. That's quite unique in the industry. Today's discussion with two of our top coaches illustrates that exact point.


There's also a great segment near the end of the episode that I think really gives you a nice peek inside the lives of the high quality people we have on our leadership team here. You'll love the last few minutes of Brian and Robin Joy's discussion.


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: Why is Amazon limiting storage for some FBA sellers on the front end of Q4? What can we do about it?


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Get a free business growth consulting session with an e-commerce consultant on our coaching team. Call: 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) or grab a slot on our calendar at - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!


Nov 6, 2023

So often on our podcast, we hear stories of people who have built incredible businesses, but today’s episode is perhaps one of the most powerful stories we've ever told from a community student.


The student I interview today has been in our community for well over 10 years at this point and has built one of the most incredible brand building success stories That Amazon has arguably ever seen.


Not only has this product been a top 10 item on Amazon in the grocery category, it’s also now in 35,000 retail stores.


Our team loves helping new sellers get established and take off, but today’s episode illustrates what’s possible with time, commitment, and the right team backing you along the way.


View this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Mike's story and how he built a culture around his brand. It all started with Jim's book! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!


Nov 4, 2023

Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible. We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.


If you have questions about Keepa, this episode is a must listen for you!


 Just a few of the highlights captured by the team: Jim lays out exactly what “underserved listings” are and how to go about finding them. Highly recommended podcasts include #554, which talks about ignoring the buy box and #369, which talks all about Keepa! He discusses Keepa drops and how those drops indicate if an item is moving (selling). Sales rank itself is an irrelevant number to replens sellers!


Jim thoroughly explains the Proven Branded Bundles module and all the amazing opportunities there are with creating your own bundles!


Jim recommends joining the My Silent Team Facebook page and searching for “gated” or “ungating” for lots of information on this topic! Categories open for new sellers include: Pet supplies (not food), sports equipment, arts and crafts, kitchen, household items, school and office supplies. Once sellers sell about 30-40 items, “the gates start falling open!”


Show note LINKS: - -The service we use to help interpret all of the selling data. Keepa is discussed in depth on episode 369 at - Learn to set up ASIN's (listings on Amazon) that belong ONLY to you and contain recognized, popular brand names! This all new training is finally being released to the public after helping many of our top coaching students achieve multiple six figures in sales PER MONTH on their branded bundles! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!



Nov 2, 2023

We have created a simple to use software tool that is going to change the way Amazon sellers source great inventory online. It's called and you are the first to hear about it.


Many of the first 30 or so "insider" students we showed it to were getting results with it DURING THE LIVE DEMO!


On today's podcast episode I talk to my partner on the project - Joseph Kelsey. He's a success story from the course, a coach on our team and the lead project manager for the ProfitSeekerPro tool that is about to change the lives of numerous online arbitrage sellers.


The only prerequisite for putting this incredible new tool to work is to understand the REPLENS system for selling on Amazon as taught in the If you've been waiting to jump in, NOW is the time to do it!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS  - the software tool that speeds up your ability to go through a list of products from ANY website. - learn to turn ANY retail website into a list of products. No one else sees your list, no expensive long term software subscriptions, just the technical know how that allows you to do it well all on your own! On sale for a few more days in Nov 2023! - our LIVE MAY 2024 event in Orlando FL. Make plans now to join us! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


The first time the Kelsey family was on our podcast: Listen to episode 494 with Joseph and Stacey Kelsey and hear her story of how she came home from full-time police work!


Guest: Joseph Kelsey

Nov 1, 2023

On today’s coaches corner episode of the podcast, we hear from Brian and Robin Joy as they dive into what they are seeing while coaching numerous students from our community. For example, we are hearing from many students who are having success selling products well above the buy box. They reveal why this process works.


You also hear them talk about the difference between community listings and private listings. Understanding the difference is foundational as a new seller. Get ready for a heavy dose of very practical strategies for all Amazon sellers!


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the questions: As a replens seller, can I sell on listings that feature a "Generic" brand on Amazon? How can I find out if I am on accident?



Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!





Oct 30, 2023

Today's new podcast interview is with a recent college graduate who is using his Amazon income to travel while working only a few hours per week!


He's a coaching student of our turned coach who started out with the REPLENS model as taught in the course, and is now working on wholesale and branded bundles strategies as well.


Watch on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan! – Learn to set up ASIN’s (listings on Amazon) that belong ONLY to you and contain recognized, popular brand names! This all new training for FALL of 2023 has finally been released to the public after helping many of our top coaching students achieve multiple six figures in sales PER MONTH on their branded bundles! - Learn to get paid help businesses and brands that aren't on Amazon yet get onto Amazon. This is a module included in the ProvenAmazonCourse collection along with dozens of other modules for virtually every possible approach to Amazon success.


Oct 28, 2023

This segment will be a huge encouragement to those who want a little guidance in what it means when Jim says "build relationships and your business will grow" and how to go about it.


We covered episode #657 - An Update from a student we interviewed three years ago  - Spencer Carlson. You can listen to the full episode at


The guest discusses growing his Amazon business and developing relationships along the way!


The guest talks about his team as well as some of his processes for running his business. Jim reminds the listeners that this is always a relationship business!


The guest discusses the session he presented at the Proven Amazon Conference (July 2023) entitled "Lessons from 0 to 5 million in sales!” and offers several helpful tips for other sellers


Jim talks about the process of building a business that can become a real asset that can be sold if needed! Private Label and Branded Bundles can really contribute to building a solid business. Jim also reminds listeners the importance of knowing your numbers!


Jim reminds the listeners how important relationships are in this business! He also shares his “project board” and how he merges and integrates business and life together! Jim also discusses how the Proven Product Partnering is a great way to build your Amazon business! Jim -  “Everytime there is opposition, there is opportunity if you see it through the right lens.”


The guest reminds listeners how important it is to stay open to learning! He also says to drive business decisions based on the numbers! Jim again mentions the importance of relationships ! (how many new relationships per month are you adding in?) The magic 2 word question, “How’s business?!” - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


Show note LINKS:


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


Our recommended "on screen calculator tool": RevSeller - 


THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: - Mark your calendar for this May 23rd-25th! Our LIVE event has more content and training than ever before .... ! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 10,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - -The service we use to help interpret all of Amazon selling data. For more information, Jim goes into more detail regarding why we love KEEPA and why every replen seller needs it on episode 369 of this podcast at - get an alert on your smartphone each time we have a new podcast episode or free training event! 




Oct 26, 2023

Today's guest is a former high school teacher and IT professional who stepped away from her career to live a flexible lifestyle on her own terms thanks to the training and her multiple six figure sales.


Initially, she considered launching a private label brand with a different strategy before finding us, but she moved decided against that because of what she calls some "sketchy" elements in the other group, but as she's grown into the Amazon opportunity, she's now exploring branded bundles as her way to step into building a brand without needing any new products of her own.


She's also had significant success with moving items from Canada to the US and vice versa - a cool twist to the typical sourcing strategies that we've ever heard on our show!


We are so glad she found our community and she has an exciting story to share!


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Today's show is sponsored by Arbitrage Card - Save cash with DISCOUNTED GIFT CARDS! A member of our community has put together a free eBook on this topic which includes a basic introduction to gift cards as well as some tips and resources that can benefit even those who are already experienced with gift cards. Get the free report at:


Show note LINKS: - Learn how to sell Legos with Greg Webb! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group - Our Facebook group has 74,000 members from around the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Our May 2024 event - VIP tickets WILL SELL OUT FAST. Get on the alert list!


SellerBoard: - use our link and get TWO months free! - Learn to set up ASIN's (listings on Amazon) that belong ONLY to you and contain recognized, popular brand names! This all new training is finally being released to the public after helping many of our top coaching students achieve multiple six figures in sales PER MONTH on their branded bundles!


Debbie's "Google sheets" training inside the Proven Amazon Course learning portal:


Today's Guest: Debbie Shadlock

Oct 25, 2023

We love capturing, podcast episodes for you that not only encourage you, but also equip you with very specific strategies for ongoing success with Amazon!


Today we talk about the most popular selling model in our community - REPLENS!


On this "coaches corner" episode you will hear the seven activities that are required of any successful Amazon Replens seller. If you learn the seven steps, you give yourself the best chance at building a beautiful business as so many of our students are doing right now.


If you’d like to talk to someone about your business, or how you could begin working with our team towards your Ecommerce goals, we'd love to hear from you. You can book a call at your convenience using this link :


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: How can I know that my Amazon inventory was sourced from a legal/allowed place? 


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Our May 2024 event - VIP tickets WILL SELL OUT FAST. Get on the alert list!


Oct 23, 2023

Today's all new podcast episode is the story of how Greg has built an incredible business on Amazon with ONLY Legos! These ideas will snap into place for you nicely as you if you're ready for another great income stream!


We are also excited to be launching the course today as well - the doors will close quickly when we launch this class - check it out asap!


You'll learn from a seven figure LEGO seller who has built an amazing and VERY EXPANSIVE system that we know will benefit so many sellers in our community!


Don't forget to check out sellerboard, our awesome sponsor - THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: 


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - Learn how to sell Legos with Greg Webb! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!



Today's guest Greg Webb

Oct 21, 2023

Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible.


We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.


Highlights collected by the podcast team:


Jim gives a general overview about the My Silent Team community and FB group. He also gives an explanation of the Replen model, which is basically serving the underfilled shelf space at Amazon! Jim also mentions the coaching program


Jim discusses if sellers should have just one Amazon seller account vs separate accounts for RA vs Private Label products (PL)


Jim suggests a service called Humnbird for help as well as recommending sellers find a local small business accountant to work with regarding taxes


Jim encourages new sellers listen to Podcast #369 to learn more about Keepa. Also, there is a new module in The PAC called Advanced Keepa Training. Jim also shares his teams approach on how to read Keepa and how to know when to test


A new sellers on the Facebook live shares encouragement with other new sellers! Jim also reiterates that there is a ton of FREE information available on the My Silent Team Facebook page 


Jim talks about how The Advanced Keepa training course by the Olsens (in The PAC) lists 10 different ways to use Keepa to find under served ASINs . 


Jim discusses using Prep centers for international sellers. is a website that can be used to find a prep center. (this module is also in The PAC) helps new sellers navigate some unique challenges


The guest asks Jim his opinion on Print on Demand - is where a module can be found on this exact topic! This is a slightly more involved strategy.


Jim recommends Jimmy Smith’s private FB group called 0-100K, which has standard operating procedures and lots of posts about schedules and routines. Email support if you want to have access to this group (free for PAC students paying $39/mo)



Show note LINKS - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text) - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


KICKSTART Bootcamp - Brand New to Amazon and REPLENS? All students of the course who've not yet made their first REPLENS sale will benefit greatly from this series of live (and recorded of course) zoom group sessions. Contact for details especially if you are a PAC student. - They help sellers get established on (sell in the US from anywhere in the world) They specialize in everything from Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. - This class has ended but all sessions are recorded. - -The service we use to help interpret all of Amazon selling data. For more information, Jim goes into more detail regarding why we love KEEPA and why every replen seller needs it on episode 369 of this podcast at - 10 Advanced Keepa strategies that will make you a product souring ninja!


Oct 19, 2023

There's a reason why we have more success stories in our community than any other E-commerce community I've ever seen. It's a combination of several things. The 20+ years experience succeeding with E-commcere, eBay & Amazon, the team of 60+ coaches with beautiful businesses, proven strategies that are carefully vetted and tested for months before we dare share them with our community and perhaps most importantly...


We start virtually ALL of our students with the same basic skills that ensure they EARN while they LEARN.


Today I go through some of the exciting strategies we have coming soon that are all built on the foundation of the basics strategies we teach in the course.


Bottom line: 2023 will end with amazing new records being set, and 2024 will be the greatest opportunity E-commerce business building warriors have ever seen!


At the end of the episode we are also excited to bring you a success story about how a student (who is now a coach) went from about $4K per month in profits to tens of thousands monthly with a creative funding solution! Sam Koch from AccrueMe at


Watch today's episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: : Get the videos from our Oct 2023 conference that helps prepare you to capitalize on fourth quarter opportunities this year, and get ready for a huge 2024! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!

My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 75,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Learn how to sell Legos with Greg Webb! - Our May 2024 event - VIP tickets WILL SELL OUT FAST. Get on the alert list! - We’ll show you the simple tools and strategies that you’ll need to inspire Amazon customers to shop and purchase some of Amazon’s millions of products as an online influencer. You can create photos, livestreams or upload videos to help guide eager shoppers towards an informed purchase – and get paid well to do it! - Learn to set up ASIN's (listings on Amazon) that belong ONLY to you and contain recognized, popular brand names! This all new training is finally being released to the public after helping many of our top coaching students achieve multiple six figures in sales PER MONTH on their branded bundles! - Our wholesale training is already included in the library! is a module inside the library!


New strategies coming soon: discontinued product sourcing, starting and running a prep center, opening a small profitable retail store


Oct 16, 2023

The interview portion of today's episode was recorded BEFORE the terrorist attack in Israel. The episode is with a good friend of mine - Rabbi Daniel Lapin and his wife Susan who are currently in Israel on a business trip.


One of the lessons he taught me about being a business building warrior is that you never allow things that are out of your control to steal your attention from those responsibilities that are under your control. One of those responsibilities (even during times of uncertainty) is your BUSINESS!


If you want some practical insight into timeless truths - the very timeless truths that have shaped my business and the numerous Lapin fans in our community for over 15 years, then this is an episode that you'll cherish.


This episode is a bit different from the norm, but our guest today LOVES our family and is also our keynote speaker at our upcoming May 2024 live event in Orlando FL ( event)


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS:


"The Holistic You" By Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin - find it on Amazon (and leave a review!) - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!

Oct 14, 2023


This segment will be a huge encouragement to new sellers who are struggling to get momentum or who are having difficulty staying motivated! Jim talks about “bringing dad’s home” as the core mission of his work!


We covered episode #618 - This Coaching Student's journey is a journey of mindset and consistency. You can listen to the full episode at


Highlights compiled by the podcast team:


Jim and the guest also discuss how important mindset and relationships are in this Amazon journey! Jim also praises the guest for the intentionality in his prayers regarding his business and learning! Jim summarizes the coaching program and how it builds relationships with future leaders in our community, which is the biggest asset of the program!


Jim shares resources that have been helpful for him in his ecommerce business: Evangelprenurer (Josh Tolley) and The Gathering Storm: Decoding the Secrets of Noah (Rabbi Daniel Lapin). The guest also mentions a book he found helpful: The Household and the War for the Cosmos (C.R. Wiley).


The guest talks about his 1st $10,000 month in sales but also shares his struggles in maintaining momentum!


Jim says that without even meeting someone, he can tell them their future by simply asking some questions: Who are your friends? What are your habits / your discipline? How do you treat women? How consistent are you?


Jim talks with the guest about how his business is currently doing and suggests toys as a great category to start selling in again now that the safety certificates are largely taken care of. There is a great module in PAC on how to streamline the prepping and shipping process, which Jimmy Smith and Pablo Aguilar put together.


The guest asks Jim how to know when a seller is ready to access outside funding! Jim says if you’ve tracked your numbers, know your net margins and are confident in your ability to find winning ASINs.


The guest offers a few additional tips: be consistent, track numbers, build relationships and don’t be afraid to ask for help (“cheat code”!)


Show note LINKS:


Stay in touch! Text the phrase "SilentJim" to 507-800-0090 to stay up to date on our latest FREE training events and other important updates! Opt-out any time of course! Emall and Facebook are so unreliable - we'd hate to lose touch with you!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! Need a hand in prepping inventory? We have a list of all known Amazon seller prep centers worldwide. If you know of a prep center that’s not listed, please let us know! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - get an alert on your smartphone each time we have a new podcast episode or free training event! 

Oct 12, 2023

On today's all new podcast episode we meet two friends who've know each other since the 6th grade and together they've built a successful business using the strategies that you've heard so many of our podcast guests rave about!


They've done everything from Etsy, to books and bulk purchases, but their business stabilized and they had their first ever seven figure year with the REPLENS model that has been the foundation of so many great success stories!


They are now getting into branded bundles (as taught in the course) as well as wholesaling (as taught in the PAC) and they have big plans for the future.


They've had their share of challenges along the way that they share with transparency, but they are moving forward with a great business, determination and a stronger friendship than ever. It was truly great getting to know them during this interview!


Watch this video on our YouTube channel:


Don't forget to check out sellerboard, our awesome sponsor - THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: 


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! (Get videos from past event on this site, or as part of your pac membership)


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan! - our wholesale seller training for Amazon sellers. This course is also included in the collection


The episode where Jim discusses the "ignore the buy box" strategy is episode 554 at



Dawn and Mary - first name only upon request

Oct 11, 2023

If you've heard some of the 100's of success story interviews among new Amazon sellers on our podcast, you've likely say many times that, "You should be looking for ASINs instead of 'winning products' on Amazon"


What does that mean? How do you do it? How can we help you like we've helped so many others?


Today's episode explains the systems we've created that will help you find the opportunity hiding right under your nose on Amazon. It's the REPLENS system - and it's where we start 95% of all our new Amazon selling students. You'll enjoy hearing the strategy spelled out step by step today with the Olson's - two great coaches on our team.


Watch today's episode on our YouTube channel:


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: What should I do with letters asking me to stop selling a brand?


Show note LINKS:

My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan! - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! - Our Proven Path to 100 ASIN's workshop that launched in SEPT 2023 featuring live interaction with Brian and Robin Joy Olson on site at our coaching warehouse in Salt Lake City. We want you to tell us what city we should go to next!


Oct 9, 2023

I've worked with virtual assistants around the world to help grow and scale my business for over 15 years. Today I share some practical tips and strategies for finding great workers who can help you grow - often for just a few dollars ($3-$4/hr). What jobs can they take on? How do you narrow down the candidates quickly if you get 100s or more candidates applying? Isn't paying them $3-$4 exploitation? What jobs do these VA's do for Amazon sellers? What strategy should you use to train them?


All these questions and more are addressed as I share my best tips and strategies for working with VA's to help build your business, or any other business that can benefit from a virtual workforce!


Don't forget to check out sellerboard, our awesome sponsor - THE accurate profit analytics tool for Amazon sellers that helps you calculate your profit precisely accounting for all hidden fees and in real time. Use our link and get a TWO month free trial: 


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!



Oct 7, 2023

Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible.


We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.


Highlights compiled by the podcast team:


Jim opens the Facebook Live session with some general introductory comments before he dives into answering listeners’ questions! 


Jim reminds the listeners that we make our money when we buy our inventory! It’s essential to make good buying decisions! REMEMBER: we are looking for test worthy ASINs, not “winning products!” 


A listener wants to know if it is possible to start your business with no money to invest!? Jim says YES, definitely! Podcast episode #369 will help sellers learn Keepa in order to make good buying decisions! 


A new seller asks Jim about creating new listings and how to go about hopping on existing listings! Jim clarifies some misconceptions about the Amazon forums! 


Jim discusses how nothing is “typical” when it comes to starting a business! But he does emphasize that for people who are really willing to work hard, there are many success stories! Proof of concept can come quickly with the replens model! 


Coach Robin Joy gives some Q4 tips for sellers and also highly recommends the Kick Start Boot Camp for new PAC members! It’s a great way to get your Amazon business up and running! 


Jim reminds new sellers of some very important tips to remember! 1) Do not set up new listings, 2) Do not do the private label method to start, and 3) do not do pay per click (PPC)! Rather, the goal is to look for and identify underserved listings to sell on! 


John is saying "congrats on the upcoming 10 year anniversary…” Jim talks about the upcoming 10 year anniversary of the My Silent Team Facebook page and the incredible success the group has seen over the years! 


Jim issues a warning to new sellers that Private Label is NOT the place to start! Our community has seen many sellers find us after losing a lot of money starting with PL! 


Jim answers the listener’s question in providing guidance where to start as a new seller: In the PAC, there is a “Getting started” section that will lead you to Amazon 101, Keepa, and the RA Replenishable course. Coaching is also an option as well - 


Jim likes to look for 1) underserved listings with fewer sellers (5-7 sellers, 30-40 drops/month) and 2) anything that is dropping more than 40-50 times per month (regardless of how many sellers). Podcast episode #554 is a great listen about pricing your items and ignoring the buy box!


Jim recommends the course for help with sourcing. Additionally, is a system for scraping websites to help find test worthy ASINs 


Jim talks about doing RA via wholesale sourcing! Podcast #369 for more information on Keepa - this is essential! More information is coming regarding a wholesale mastermind group! 


Show note LINKS:

Stay in touch! Text the phrase "SilentJim" to 507-800-0090 to stay up to date on our latest FREE training events and other important updates! Opt-out any time of course! Emall and Facebook are so unreliable - we'd hate to lose touch with you!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! Need a hand in prepping inventory? We have a list of all known Amazon seller prep centers worldwide. If you know of a prep center that’s not listed, please let us know! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - get an alert on your smartphone each time we have a new podcast episode or free training event! 

Oct 4, 2023

There are many ways to go wrong when you are starting out your Amazon business building journey.


A few examples:

>Going all in on a private label brand leads to extreme disappointment about 95% of the time

>Buying from sources that aren't legit (closeouts, liquidations, "done for you models", warehouses that do the buying for you etc) These can all lead to sudden death for your account

>Going too deep to fast on what you think is great inventory

...the list is long and we've seen it all.


There are also some great lessons you can learn along as you grow. Not all "mistake money" needs to be high risk!


That's the topic of today's new "Coaches Corner" podcast episode.


A big reason we strongly suggest new students start with the course (only $39/month) is because the training has a proven track record of getting our students real results. There are 100s of great interviews on our podcast with those students if you'd like to hear some of them!


Special guest at the conclusion of today's show, Jeff Schick of answers the question: What should a seller do when I get an IP complaint


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Our Oct 4-6 virtual event for online sellers. FREE for and coaching students! See site for details!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! It's not too early to plan!



Oct 2, 2023

It's a rare occasion when an Amazon executive sits down with an Amazon podcaster to do an interview addressing sellers. To my knowledge, today is quite possibly an industry first!


It was truly and honor to be honest.


Claire O'donnell is the director of Seller Partner Empowerment and "Communities & Trust" at Amazon. She's has about 700 employees in her organization at Amazon who are all in "seller facing" positions - meaning they are focused on building connections and trust with sellers like you and me - in other words, students.


Her teams manage things like the Account Health Dashboard, the Seller Support Team, the Seller Forums and the Amazon Accelerate event which was attended recently by 2,500 of your fellow sellers from around the world in Seattle. We were there and had the honor of interviewing Claire for a few minutes during her busy schedule as the primary host of the incredible event.


Perhaps the biggest win for us at the event (and for you as well) is that we continue to build great relationships with seller facing personalities at Amazon - and that helps us stay better in tune with the true opportunities that Amazon represents for all of us.


While we had scheduled 30 minutes with Claire, her schedule was understandably shortened due to the tight schedule of the Amazon Accelerate event, but we did get in some solid questions and this is a great step in the direction of building solid relationships on both sides of the Amazon/seller aisle.


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Our Oct 4-6 virtual event for online sellers. FREE for and coaching students! See site for details!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!



Sep 30, 2023


Show note LINKS - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


KICKSTART Bootcamp - Brand New to Amazon and REPLENS? All students of the course who've not yet made their first REPLENS sale will benefit greatly from this series of live (and recorded of course) zoom group sessions with a coach - it's only $39! Contact for details especially if you are a PAC student. - Learn to set up ASIN's (listings on Amazon) that belong ONLY to you and contain recognized, popular brand names! This all new training for FALL of 2023 is finally being released to the public after helping many of our top coaching students achieve multips six figures in sales PER MONTH on their branded bundles! - episode 554 Ignore the Amazon “buy box” more if you want to sell more Amazon replens - get an alert on your smartphone each time we have a new podcast episode or free training event! 


Once per week or so our Amazon seller leadership team and I love to go live on Zoom with whoever can join us and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible.


We love to capture the best moments from these Monday night sessions for you and turn them into a podcast episode.


Questions and comments:


Jim gives an overview of the My Silent Team team and community and how we are all here to help one another - it's the abundance vs scarcity approach! 


Jim discusses creating multipacks and warns against new sellers doing this. HIs recommendation instead is to do the Amazon 101 course in PAC, the Replenishable model and then the Kick Start Bootcamp.


A listener asks Jim about his Bitcoin talk at the conference, which was not recorded due to A/V issues, however, Jim recommends a book called The Bitcoin Standard (by Saifedean Ammous) and has also recorded a Biblical defense of Bitcoin. to watch a video


Robin Joy and Jim talk about Replens and the 4th quarter! If sellers have taken a break from selling toys, now is a great time to revisit them now that many of the safety certificates have been submitted


A new seller asks Jim to elaborate on what the following terms mean: RA (retail arbitrage) and Replens (the model). He also asks Jim to discuss FBA vs FBM and which is recommended


Jim discusses the process of getting ungated and mentions categories that are good for new sellers to start with. Also, in the MST Facebook group, the hourglass icon at the top right corner of the page can be used to search for “ungated” or “ungating” for many posts discussing this further


Jim discusses how a toy can be a replen and the importance of reading Keepa to determine if it is a good ASIN to sell on. Podcast Episode #369 for additional Keepa training


Jim reassures the listeners that it does not need to be a big deal when Amazon changes their policies because it happens with frequency. Sellers just need to be ready to pivot, roll with the changes


A seller outside the US asks Jim if the Kick Start Bootcamp is helpful for those who sell from outside the US and use a prep center. Jim explains what it means to sell on underserved ASINs and how to identify those with Keepa. Jim prefers to use the phrase “test worthy ASIN!”


Sep 28, 2023

Today we meet a seven figure Amazon seller who has built her dream business around her core mission. She wanted to have a business that employed special needs and physically challenged adults- giving them the dignity of work while building a profitable business serving happy customers... and she's done it with BRANDED BUNDLES (the same way we teach it in the course!)


Check this out - one of her best workers assembling her bundles is legally blind, but he is a top performer making invaluable contributions!


I LOVE working with and learning from Business Building Warriors like today's guest Kim Shanahan! You're going to love this episode!


This episode is sponsored by - They help sellers get established on (sell in the US from anywhere in the world) They specialize in everything from Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Corporation Setup to Branding, Design and Marketing. We recommend their affordable systems and solutions giving you everything you need for your wholesale and private label business even overseas!

Watch our interview on this YouTube channel:


Show note LINKS: - text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email for a copy! - Learn to set up ASIN's (listings on Amazon) that belong ONLY to you and contain recognized, popular brand names! This all new training for FALL of 2023 is finally being released to the public after helping many of our top coaching students achieve multips six figures in sales PER MONTH on their branded bundles! - Our Oct 4-6 virtual event for online sellers. FREE for and coaching students! See site for details!


My Silent Team Facebook group 100% FREE! Join 72,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world! - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast! - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life! - Kim's business website!


Guest: Kim Shanahan

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