There's been some news lately from the world's largest selling platform that is making many sellers nervous." That opening sentence has been the topic of about 10,000 articles over the past 20 years. For the longest time it was eBay as the target of concern, and now it's Amazon. Today I address the most recent "scary" article and the concerns being raised there. Better yet, I tell you exactly how to THRIVE in spite of any changes that are coming! Show notes at
Our culture has a lot to say about "making money" and 99% of it is NEGATIVE! If you aren't fully aware of exactly how VIRTUOUS and HONORABLE it is to serve well in business, then you are likely shooting yourself in the foot without even realizing it! Today's episode is the second session from our recent big event where over 700 of your fellow listeners to this program gathered in central Illinois for event. This episode is the second session from entertaining and always powerful Daniel Lapin. If you missed his first session go back and check out episode #219. This episode is also available as a youtube episode - see the link below or at
You Tube Link
Lapin's Facebook group - link to the video from this late 2019 event - get details on the 2020 Proven Conference
Two recent popular facebook discussions in our community prompted me to record this short episode today. One of those discussions revolved around the most common fears shared by many new online business builders and that's the COST and RISK of getting started. The other discussion showed us what the reality of day to day work looks like for so many in our community. My goal for this episode is to convince you that you DO have what it takes, the risks are TINY and the cost is MINIMAL. Success is within your grasp! Notes at