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We apologize for the inconvenience but we have removed this episode. Please click on another episode to get great online business selling content!
In this episode Jim identifies the factors that go into finding your ideal work. Do you have an ideal work situation? Are you where you want to be in regards to income, situation, location, work fulfillment and doing work that you find meaningful? If not, could building an Internet based business be the solution?
All show notes are listed at SilentJim.com/podcast
In this episode Brett Bartlett and Steven Deaton discuss Facebook offer ads. Brett has been using them lately with stunning success. In fact, he's been able to get our products to #1 in Toys and Games on Amazon, which means selling 1,000s of units per day. At one point, we had two products in the top 5 and three in the top 10 and are fairly confident in being able to repeat it. You'll love Brett's take and bits of wisdom about how we are doing it. Show notes at SilentJim.com/podcast
FB discussion about our #1 spot in Toys & Games
How to Set up Facebook Ads video https://www.facebook.com/
Join MST FB group
How do you have a conversation with 7 million people and sell out of your products again and again? Facebook + our Proven Audience Formula (PAF) strategies. We continue to see amazing results in our Facebook marketing efforts as we are building massive audiences who are eager to hear from us. Our team is pioneering these strategies and sharing them with you. All show notes are listed at SilentJim.com/podcast
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We apologize for the inconvenience but we have removed this episode. Please click on another episode to get great online business selling content!
We apologize for the inconvenience but we have removed this episode. Please click on another episode to get great online business selling content!
We apologize for the inconvenience but we have removed this episode. Please click on another episode to get great online business selling content!
Meet Tammie. Not too long ago she was in an abusive relationship that she had long desired to escape. She summoned up the courage to get away along with her four kids, and now she uses Amazon to pay the bills. You'll be encouraged and inspired by this episode as she shares her journey. As always, find all links referenced at SilentJim.com
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JimCockrumAffiliates.com (How to become an affiliate)
My Silent Team Facebook group
Tammie's comments in the group that started it all! https://www.facebook.com/
First 500 day post
Lisa $2,000 day celebration - 430 like clicks etc.
Over $1,000 in sales in first 20 days
Jane "the Overcomer" has a $20k month
Excited about firsts $1,000 day
Hit $1,000 day after starting just a couple months ago
Finally broke $10K in a month
Finally broke $15K in a month
First sale - community celebrates:
First four days as a seller - $1,100
Trevor bought PAC - so many celebrated with him:
Peter goes fulltime and the community celebrates
First $100 day
Big month over 230 responses loving PAC
Goal of $7k hit $10k
What small changes can you make to your Amazon listings to increase sales? How can you know you are using the right keywords? Today Karon Thackston joins us to discuss some of the simple strategies we use to ensure that we are attracting as many qualified prospects and buyers as possible to our Amazon listings. As always show notes are at SilentJim.com
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